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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Disgraced

    Ass loads of hackers on US #666

    I would suspect that the server number would make it "cool" to do things there.
  2. Disgraced

    How do you fly the Helicopter?

    You're so funny. I played it for ten hours. It was fun. Anyway....
  3. Disgraced

    How do you fly the Helicopter?

    Flying the helicopters is fun. It also helped me to learn the Chernarus map. Yes, Q Z mouse X C is easy, but it's worth spending some time on and learning good landing zones throughout the map.
  4. Disgraced

    How do you fly the Helicopter?

    Not to land where you want to, fast, and lift off, touch and go umd fire... But that's cool.
  5. Disgraced

    How do you fly the Helicopter?

    Nope, just tired of people being babies.
  6. Disgraced

    How do you fly the Helicopter?

    If you don't know, too bad. You don't deserve it. I spent like ten hours practicing in boot camp to learn it. I'd suggest that you and your friends do the same, then come back and know it.
  7. Disgraced

    Dayz is going standalone

    Congrats on posting about it 6 hours after everyone else. Might want to use the search function in the future.
  8. Disgraced

    Cheater on DE 862

  9. So, basically, exploits because Dayz is client based and allows for adjusted client settings, and the server settings are painfully variable.
  10. Disgraced

    Running Speed calculations?

    Lol 300? The map is 225 squared. That's 15 km on a side. Youd warp across the map in No time. Call again.
  11. Disgraced

    Running Speed calculations?

    I'm quite sure I've read that Bohemia acknowledged that your character runs faster that is realistic and that number is 22 km/hr.
  12. Disgraced

    So, DayZ is being remade?

    Agreed. They will let rocket split the Arma III code off and shape it to his will. They probably already have.
  13. Disgraced

    So, DayZ is being remade?

    Well, not making things inhumanly fast and more in line with actual human reactions is part and parcel to the Arma series and I'm sure it will continue in Dayz. If you want twitch gaming, keep moving.
  14. The in game time is elastic based on a number of factors. The times listed in the server descriptions, which are, I believe what is shown by Dayz Commander, are just a note typed in. They don't control or necessarily reflect what's actually on the server.
  15. Disgraced

    Loosing stuff in fireplace

    Bummer. Losing has one o. Loosing means releasing.
  16. Disgraced

    So I just got banned?

    Well, your options are admit to hacking in this thread or appeal directly to battleye.
  17. Disgraced

    Binoculars and rangefinder?

    This. Disconnected with rangefinder in upper LEFT slot, NVG in upper RIGHT slot. Reconnected to... binoculars in upper LEFT slot, rangefinder in upper RIGHT slot. I thought maybe it was graphical, but I connected to a night time server and hit N... Nothing. B always gets binoculars, day or night.
  18. Don't restarts need to be more often? Always looking for a place, though. Found some hackers on my current home and blew up their vehicles. Almost got shot and then.... Connection lost. Ahem.
  19. Derp. That's between you and the people running the server. No help here.
  20. An easy quick fix is for him to log out of steam on his computer, create a new windows user and then log into that new user. Log I to his steam account and he should get his own character. Otherwise, start googling to find the serial number/cd key in the registry. Reinstalling is a waste of time 99% of the time.
  21. Black flag operation. So can you play "regular" Arma online?
  22. Disgraced

    Dear crybaby's (hacking qq)

    Shrug. I've not been hit by scripters, been lucky. I found a camp today, though, full of illegal stuff in vehicles. I took some legal stuff that I've lost to bugs, then I took some of their grenades and blew up the vehicles. Creating stuff just ruins spawn chances and makes rare gear common, but if my tent and the latest patch ate gear that I know I legitimately found, well, imma take it. Thanks, hackers.
  23. Disgraced

    How to make an ALT-F4 Macro?

    Trolololololololol. 0.5/10 on the troll scale.
  24. Disgraced


    I'm stalking one right now. Two Jerry cans in my backpack. I spotted it from a borrowed helicopter that I found. Marked the location for later and kept flying. Unfortunately, the game crashed and the helicopter disappeared. Now, I have a 9k run to get there.