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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Disgraced

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    To me, it doesn't seem "kinda odd". It seems like what I've heard and expected since what? May? When I first started playing. Playing, mark, not prognosticating over FAQs and screenshots. These forums are here as part of theDayz community and in support of the players and dev team of that mod. This includes the mod and the announced game. We don't have to care about or support other products, plain and simple. So please... Stop poking with your little "stick".
  2. Disgraced

    Fallen from a dock.

    Sadly, no. There is no swimming down in Arma. was it the ladder in the boathouse on Skalisty? That ****** killed me, once upon a time.
  3. Disgraced

    DayZ pets

    Duplicate topics by same user merged.
  4. Disgraced

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    So essentially, at the sandwich shop, you buy a chicken sandwich, then want all of your future deluxe chicken sandwiches for free? If you don't want to pay for the Dayz stand alone game, then just keep playing the free mod as it continues to develop. For myself, I will be ready to pay a small fee to get in on the ground floor. This is going to be great. It worked great for me with Minecraft.
  5. Disgraced

    Possible way to find BattlEye bypassers?

    She moves in mysterious ways... There are a lot of ways to see the footprints of the miscreant. I'm sure this is one.
  6. Disgraced

    BattlEye Credit Where Credit is Due

    I don't know how battleye works, and I don't speak in this capacity officially for anyone or anything... So personal opinion incoming... I feel like battleye is more reactive than proactive. I would bet that they are learning from this as well, though, and perfecting their methodologies for the stand alone. Alpha testers, your enduring these atrocities is not in vain, though the gratification may not be ... instant...
  7. Disgraced

    hackers...do u guys feel the same

    It's kind of like calling in a mortar strike, guys. They're firing, but it takes a few vollies to finally hit that exact spot.
  8. Disgraced

    If I play on Veteran servers,

    I tend to go for particular lower population servers that I know have vehicles. I've never run into hackers directly. The other day, I found some vehicles with hacked gears, and I took some grenades out of the vehicles and blew them up (useless, I know, but I felt like the Wolverines or Braveheart or something). A couple hours later I reconnected and was derping in the controls window and not far from that camp when I came under fire. Holy shite. I took off, zig zagging like crazy and made my escape. After about 3 minutes, I had turned about and hidden behind a tree and I was looking up my back trail.... Server restart.
  9. Disgraced

    Why I dislike this forum...

    This can be a vocal community and a lot of members are on the abrasive side. In the upper right corner of the page, you have the option to ignore members if you don't want to see their posts.
  10. Double post/duplicates. Merged.
  11. Disgraced

    how to search for a hackin' script?

    Too much invective and name calling here. I would point the OP to the IRC channel that is available to server admins, or to use contact channels provided to server admins. My interpretation through the language barrier is that he is asking how to CATCH scripting on his server, not how to find scripts to cheat. Closing thread. Too incendiary. Also, apparently insults fly right through the language barrier. Take that, babel fish...
  12. Moved to off topic as this is not a supported tool.
  13. You may also find this thread, in announcements, helpful. It's going to be fixed in the next update. No, there is no firm release date. He's, we've all been dealing with it in our own ways: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52196-pending-update-build-173/ Closing this thread. Moving to troubleshooting.
  14. Disgraced

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I live half under a rock, and I know that there are videos out there showing stuff from Arma III. This is an instance where an Internet search engine of your choice could provide the answer to your queries.
  15. Disgraced

    DayZ Day 2

    Well, you got... Some stuff. One of the great things about the mod is its completely random. You could spend a lot of time and only find low level weans, and you could connect and in 30 minutes have mil spec gear. Keep on keepin on, guy.
  16. Sheesh. Not only is this ridiculous, it's repetitive. A large percentage of the player base really IS children with no money!
  17. Disgraced

    Got a global ban for playing on a server.

    I don't think that's how it works. I don't believe that a server admin can global ban you. And they aren't mmo GMs. They can't teleport. If its a battleye ban, you have to go to them. If its a server ban, shrug and pick one of the 3,000 or so other servers....
  18. Read some about it here http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2012/08/from-mod-to-game-how-dayz-will-evolve-as-a-standalone-release/
  19. Disgraced

    Is there a new map?

    It's not officially supported. Many people have decided that rockets vision for the mod is not their own and have spun off in various directions. Some have created stand alone private hive servers. Some have done this other map. None of that is supported.
  20. This is a pretty immature attitude. You still have access to what you paid for and the mod that was icing on the cake. I will happily pay for the stand alone (provided there is enough evidence that it's worth it), and I will not whine about the alpha.
  21. Disgraced

    "Rocket Said..." post resurrected *updated 8/8*

    Ars technics article. Interesting things about stand alone vs Arma II mod: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2012/08/from-mod-to-game-how-dayz-will-evolve-as-a-standalone-release/
  22. How do I have both? Before I logged out, I found someone's camp and grabbed a rangefinder and night vision goggles. The goggles disappeared when I reconnected, but now the rangefinder is in the upper right slot, and I have binoculars in the upper left slot? When I press B I get binoculars, but N does nothing. What gives?
  23. Disgraced

    Having a cracked version of arma 2

    You'd have to ask on the forums where they support cracked software. This ain't it.
  24. Disgraced

    So it is true. It really is.

    Dafuq did I just read?