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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Isn't it speculation that this is why it's happening? Or to put it another way..... Source?
  2. I read it.. In many other places before this post. I think you were being tongue-in-cheek with the insulting, so we'll see.. Your post just said things that have already been said elsewhere, and with different degrees of insulting. I cant imagine this thread contributing anything new to the overall discussion. TL;DR: tl;dr
  3. Disgraced

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    The whole point of the mod is testing. Everyone freaks out when patches come out, then they get hot fixed. I can hardly see doing some kind of additional testing when this is already billed as alpha. This hot fix fixed the graphical glitches for a percentage of the people out there. That's better than 0%. I understand that people want to play, but waiting a little longer isn't really that big of a deal, in my estimation. A certain segment of the population forgets that this is an alpha mod and as such is subject to exactly these sorts of things. It's not "other games".
  4. Disgraced

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Incorrect in my estimation. The reason why people are bitching is that they are uncomprehending armchair quarterbacks who think that they can see solutions simply that somehow the experts who actually know and work on the mod realize are complex. They don't understand the impact of testing something with 100 people, and then letting 100,000 try it. They live in a black and white world where they always have the perfect hypothetical solution, and they cannot comprehend that in the real world, shit happens. They refuse to concede to anothers vision, but instead want to paste their own on top, and expect perfection while they do nothing but consume and complain.
  5. More useable crossbow (aims better, longer range and easier ammunition management).
  6. It's interesting. I've seen some threads complaining about spawning on the beach when connecting to a new server. I've even seen people positing that maybe this spawning on the beach thing is to stop server hopping... And then I realized. It's a simple, elegant solution. Your position just doesn't save from server to server. Live with it. I'm not saying I know anything or it's been implemented, but it sure seems like an easy solution!
  7. Moral of the story: the mod is broken indirectly because of the engine chosen. Endure, enjoy, or leave. Those are our choices.
  8. Anyone can give in to hacking or scripting. Just like anyone can palm money from the bank in monopoly. The thing is, that the server admins pay for the servers month to month. So, mixing conjecture ei metaphor, they feel like it's ok to steal $500 from the bank in Monopoly because they paid for the game in the first place. Scripting and hacking is not something that can inherently be done with the toolset afforded to server admins. They are just susceptible to it like other people, with one exception. Don't expect them to "catch" themselves. If they decide to go over to the dark side, the only chance to catch them is battleye. Otherwise, they can clean up the evidence on their server and no one knows the difference.
  9. Again, personal opinion, but given the vision thus far, and relative openness. I'd like to see what percentage is going to leak through to rocket, et al. Essentially the details of the contract. Sure I'd pay $70, but if 60 goes to bohemia, then, wellllllll..... I'm a judgmental *****, though.
  10. Given the strength of the vision thus far... $40 for the alpha, $60 for beta, $70 for a finished product. Yes, those number make sense to me in the vein of the Minecraft model. NOTE: I'm just a guy that helps enforce forum rules, not on the inside as far as the future vision or the dev team.
  11. Disgraced

    Skins, not skills

    Having the skin doesn't mean he has the parts, just that he'd used them. Otherwise, people sold be able to find and pick clothes, some day. I still think this is a good idea, including your argument. So if ive a predilection for healing people, or I've flown a helicopter for X hours, why not make it know :)
  12. Disgraced

    I have the Hero Skin.

    And... Screenshot?
  13. Disgraced

    Website has been slow for the last couple dayz

    Chalk it up to the popularity of the mod? People want information, and there are a lot of them.
  14. Disgraced

    Time for some Zombieland additions...

    Way back when, someone was going to approach Hostess with a letter. I dug up the thread when someone mentioned the concept of Twinkies in this vein a month or so ago... But it's out there, suffice it to say. Edit: as usual, iPad + fat fingers.
  15. Disgraced

    Veteran to Regular

    The difference isn't in behavior or anything like that. It actually comes from the Arma II game and is a general way of describing server settings. There are no rules, so it's more of a general indicator. Usually, these designations refer to a few settings... Crosshairs 3rd person view Name tags and range indicators They are usually off for veteran servers and on for recruit. Not always, through, and there are scores of other server flags, like map indicators, swim gear loss, &c, &c.
  16. Oops. Sorry, OP. our users r smrt. Hrrrmm. Can't ban for posting somewhere else, I don't think.
  17. Disgraced

    Why I host a non-hive server

    Last week I would have removed the thread per instructions. This week I moved it to off topic, per instructions. Make of that what you will I would also say, good job on keeping this discussion civil, let's keep that up I. The thread, please.. Please pardon my interruption.
  18. Disgraced

    Why I host a non-hive server

    The DayZ dev team, led by rocket, is very busy building the mod he created. Non-hive servers are not supported by the dev team at this time. I am not here to argue the virtues or detriments of non-hive servers, but to support policy. This thread being moved to off topic.
  19. Disgraced

    LU360 Hackers, ban please.

    Your PMs ar still offline and the a little clean up to do, but glad you can post!
  20. This is trolling, right? If not, I got an idea! With your superior methodology, you should be able to leap light years ahead of this mod in no time. Anyone at all can make an Arma mod. I suggest you show us what you got. I will keep an eye on this thread for a link to your new mod.
  21. I had trouble for a long time. The first thing that helped me was finding a vehicle. I could cover more ground, faster. I find it difficult enough, though, to find vehicles on a lot of servers. In any case, open fields near the center of the map are the place to be. Ive seen one pretty far up north east, but mostly around Vybor and the NW Airfield. In addition, they spawn on server restarts, so if your server doesnt restart regularly, or if there are people essentially waiting for those restarts to go hunting, your chances will worsen. I regard these as rudimentary tips. I'm sure you will get better advice from those more successful.
  22. Disgraced

    Waste of time

    See my sig below. I usually recommend taking a break when you become frustrated enough to make a thread like this. Ive done it twice myself. Then I remember that it's essentially a proof of concept that went extremely wide, and that the experiment continues.
  23. Disgraced

    LU360 Hackers, ban please.

    Uh, hi everybody. Disgraced here. So you know that flag as spammer button? I accidentally hit it for this guy, the original poster. He's unable to post until I figure out how to reverse that (surprisingly, there's no "oops" button for that) Ivanche, I'm very sorry and will fix it is. Soon as able.
  24. Disgraced


    Yes, then I edited my post :P
  25. Disgraced


    Re read his second paragraph.