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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Hey all, What's mocap? thanks, Dis
  2. Disgraced

    SVD camo

    So I've been trucking this SVD Camo around in my pack for a while now. I found it with no bullet holders I'm not sure I want to get into the player killing business by hiding and killing people unseen. Kind of a waste, should I even keep it? Or, conversely, should I try to find those magazines and see what's what?
  3. So funny that when people do what someone doesn't like, it's power tripping. I don't know about your thread, but believe it or not, we have channels. If it is communicated to us to stop moving linger island threads to off topic, then we will stop. Until then, we will continue to do what we do.
  4. I think it may be altering a little more than just that original exe, these days.
  5. About a month ago, when you installed the beta patch, a large warning would appear, stating that if you wanted to remove the beta, you would have to reinstall. At least, that's what I recall.
  6. Foolish, picking up that Dew. You have paid.
  7. Disgraced

    Yep, this mod is dying

    This is the same doom and gloom thinking that you see all over the place. Like movie box office. The fact is, that the mod grows this way: Rocket makes it and invites a few people More people find out about it, probably through a friends network People who follow gaming media discover it and spread the word. Explosive growth. More media, more growth. A saturation poi t is reached. Everyone that has heard about it, has. Everyone who wants to try it, has. Some stay longer, some less. Some try it a couple times, some obsess and play for weeks. But it's not some insane model where it has to constantly slope up, gaining more and more users or else it's dying? How many users per day on your mod?
  8. I have only seen speculation to this effect. Source?
  9. Disgraced

    Yep, this mod is dying

    School starting all over the place.
  10. No, the ammo glitch still works. If they: Fix item duplication completely (yes, this would also mean hackers being unable to spawn items, which I think is not possible) Fix the ammo glitch Reset the database entirely We'd have a whole new mod, much close to the so called "earlier days".
  11. Disgraced

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    The mess with modern games DESIGNED for multiple platforms is entirely based on lowest common denominator controls. I HATE the controls in Skyrim because I can tell that they are designed to accommodate the limitations of a console/controller environment thus ignoring vast swaths of control available through my keyboard. If DayZ is made to its full potential for PC and then a console version is made or ported, I could care less if it's dumbed down, for console.. I don't care if my chocolate's in their peanut butter, but they'd better keep their peanut butter out of my chocolate....
  12. Disgraced

    Loot spawn while driving

    Get off bike at distance. Wait for stuff to spawn. Get back on bike and ride in and grab stuff. Take off on bike, flip the bird to pursuing zombies. Relatively similar to my typical fuel run.
  13. Disgraced

    Can the DayZ staff do rollbacks?

    I'm not on or affiliated with the dev team, but.... Imagine what this would entail. They would have to constantly save the state of your character. That would be like having a record of your entire character for every "roll back" point. Any variable that could differ at any moment would have to be reference able. There are less brutal ways to do it than to save the entire character every time, but imagine the impact. Even if the "roll back" points were every time a character connects, and then only... What are we at, for players in the last 24 hours? Add that up, day by day, along with new players... There'd be billions of records in short order. So, my guess is that your latest character is referenced. It's just too heavy on the database thats actually tracking the data.
  14. Disgraced

    Skins, not skills

    I would propose that skins be based on more than "bandit vs non-bandit" although I think of murderer, and not bandit. If I heal a lot of people, I'd start to look more medic like. In fact, make my skin based on the fact that I'm carrying lots of blood bags, bandages, epi-pens, morphine, &c. Just.. Have people,look like what they are. It's gaming, it's a little "meta". Sure it's somewhat unrealistic, but you know it makes sense. I fix more care... Mechanic looking skins, until I heal X people... More of a medical skin. It could really work. The more you do at X the more it changes your appearance.
  15. Disgraced

    DayZ at GamesCom

    I'm just not excited about dogs, personally. They will make other players easy to find, though, if that's your thing.
  16. Disgraced

    fuck you bastards

    I would have at least outted the guy!
  17. I personally think that th more realism re: real firearms that can be introduced, the better. Especially when it comes to sniper rifles. Good information.
  18. Disgraced

    Rename DayZ to "Alt F4 Survival"

    I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned that the dev team is aware of this as a current problem.
  19. Disgraced

    farewell :(

    Meh, my mistake. I'm human. Now what?
  20. Disgraced

    farewell :(

    So really, your initial post was not why you are quitting. Do we really need a new thread to find out someone has decided to stop playing? Just stop playing We'll all be ok, trust me. We don't need a press release. Keep an eye out; you might want to try again as things improve.
  21. Disgraced

    No wonder I ca NEVER find a vehicle :-/

    So, you actually saw the cars? I believe that vehicles are set up to despawn if they aren't saved at some interval that is supposed to be under 24 hours... But I know that many of us have been suspicious about this current system for this exact reason. This appears to be evidence that off map hoarding is still going on. Most people doing it are smart enough not to use map markers that can be seen by the whole server. I'd like to know what Vipeax and Ander have to say on this. It has been proposed that vehicles be unsaveable off map. I don't think the current rule set is keeping vehicles in the play area.
  22. Disgraced

    Where is the Cannibalism?

    It's right here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24381-canabalism/page__hl__cannibal#entry239966 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/778-people-are-food-too-a-case-for-cannibalism/page__st__20__hl__cannibal#entry246681 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/31732-cannibalism-drug-addiction-and-bbqing/page__hl__cannibal http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42333-cannibalism/page__hl__cannibal#entry401329 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/43040-meat-from-dead-players/page__hl__cannibal#entry423716 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/43040-meat-from-dead-players/page__hl__cannibal#entry423716 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/47422-new-food-idea/page__hl__cannibal
  23. Yes, indeed. I think that the scripters deliberately choosing names like this is the reason that server admins are getting a bad rap.
  24. You know they're not being malicious, right? In their infinite wisdom, BI decided to name the first player profile after the Windows account that it is attached to. So if they are logged into their Administrator account on their computer, their profile is named Administrator.
  25. Disgraced

    How do you handle insane aggro?

    The coniferous trees with branches low to the ground make the easy. Run into the branches, crouch and then start walking, not running. Move through the tree/trees until you are out of sight of your pursues and move off. Don't run until you are a pretty good distance away.