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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Disgraced

    Rename Towns and Signs or remove foreign language

    Troll much :)
  2. Disgraced

    This new update sucks

    Read the forums more carefully. There is a multipage thread about this by some game designer guy over there. There are problems with some servers. They are aware and it's being dealt with and researched. I can't believe I'm being drawn into this again. I need to stop. It's alpha, &c, &c.
  3. We'll worded, but bullshit. This reminds me of the earlier days of the mod. It is perfectly acceptable to lose a character or lose your character every day. It will happen. I've been killed by doors, rocks, trees, ladders (oh God, the ladders). I've been unexpectedly killed by all of these things while fully geared and while not. If you cannot live with that without sanctimonious spewing, then you might just want to check out for a while and give the early accessing a rest.
  4. Swirl your skirts on your way out. Damn, I like to watch you walk away.
  5. For the mod, you used to have to have two distinct steam accounts AND two distinct windows user accounts. Not sure any more but if you have difficulty, try separate windows accounts.
  6. Disgraced

    Loving the new CDF zombies.

    This. I'm sure that later there will be some meaning to the variety (body armour, &c.) but for now, they're just in different clothes. I hate that the bodies are not lootable, though. In the mod, many is the time some random item on a dead zombie saved my bacon.
  7. Disgraced

    [Video] Stupid easy way to kill Zeds...

    Takes 21 punches. I agree with the fire axe crowd. You can also basically crouch up to them on slow if they're looking the other way and "stealth kill" them. Right now they're too easy, but it'll come I'm sure.
  8. Disgraced

    DayZ will be ruined by immature gamers

  9. Disgraced

    (NOT Tedious Anymore!)

    To me it's obvious that something is wrong with SOME servers. I'd recommend that if you can't find anything on a server, just go elsewhere. Server owners are complaining of no loot on restart. Something is wrong there. Since other people are not having this problem, the easy conclusion is that some servers are crapping out on loot spawn when started and will never have any. Others are spawning loot fine (or at least, spawning loot based on the current tables). I had no problems today on a clue of servers, but if also used to play that way on the mod. After being up for x hours, mod servers used to stop spawning or whatever, so if I got one of those, I'd just move on. I'm sure they will sort out why some servers are borked. Everyone just relax and quit assuming that your experience is hive-wide.
  10. Disgraced

    add gorts pls

    Also, bears holding sharks. Really terrifying.
  11. Disgraced

    Dayz is shitty now

    Whoa....dejá vu. Is it 2012???
  12. Disgraced

    Are you happy with the current loot drop

    Nope. Needs to be more brutal.
  13. Disgraced

    The lack off loot is not right ???

    It appears to me that there is something that breaks on SOME servers. I have seen a number of posts with people saying 'no loot!!' and others saying 'yes, there is!!!' My personal experience since the patch with about maybe 3-4 servers is they all had loot. I am currently running around north of the NW airfield through the barns and industrial buildings there. I strongly suspect that SOME servers are dropping a flag or step somehow in start up that leaves no loot. I'm sure it will get sorted out. UH HUH!!! NUH UH!!!! UH HUH!!!! NUH UH!!! ^^ This thread.
  14. Disgraced

    Mysterious 100

    So after the patch, I notice now a mysterious, floating '100' in the upper right corner of my screen. Is this something in the stand alone that I should know about? I have no idea what it's trying to tell me...
  15. Disgraced

    Mysterious 100

    Ah thanks. Haven't had a gun since... I played the mod... and that was... over a year ago... That's right, it's page up/down or something to adjust the sights. It's been a long time! Thanks, all.
  16. Disgraced

    Server hopper just ruined my day

    Not to nullify your rant, but this might have been fairly innocent. Hell, YOU might have appeared to be the server hopper to the other guy. Problem here was that they shot you first, though, wasn't it? I 'server hop' when my connection shows a red chain. I don't see the point in staying as it almost always results in a disconnect. I also get my character rolled back a couple days, often, and am forced to restart in, essentially, a random location. Anyway, it was probably a filthy cretin, but might have been another guy just.... like.... you! HE'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!! THE CALLS ARE COMING FROM INSIDE THE BARRACKS!!!
  17. Disgraced

    what does the cleaning kit actually do?

    I'll see if I can hit one of my guns with an axe maybe and damage it. Anyone done something like that already?
  18. Disgraced

    what does the cleaning kit actually do?

    Hilarious. I have one of these and two weapons in 'pristine'. I guess I'll lug it around for a while but not use it yet...
  19. Disgraced

    The "pain" sounds

    I also noticed that when swimming in the ocean you will, after a while, get a message that your wounds seem cleaner. So if desperate, go for a dip!
  20. Disgraced

    Huzzahh, Zombies walk through doors now

    Just head up a ladder. *cough* I hear those can be quite challenging.
  21. It used to be that, in the mod, you could create a new account, although it used your windows account name initially. I can't find where I can change my player name in the stand alone. Can someone clue me in? I hate that it uses my 'real name'. Thanks, Not Will G
  22. Well, funny you should ask. I've had some oddities occur that I've been chalking up to 'alpha database'. Once or twice, my character has reverted back to a variation from a couple of days ago. This just happened when I changed my name, so who knows if it's random, or related!
  23. OK, for those who care... the name DOES appear on the first screen (where the 'Play' button is), on the new build. It's in the lower right corner. I SWEAR it was NOT there for me until a couple of minutes ago, and I had updated and played a few minutes, so who knows. Anyway, yes, clicking on the large text of my name allowed me to edit the name, which was a relief.
  24. Hiya, Up until today, it did use my steam name which I was middling OK with, since I can change it when I want to. I'm not sure I understand the instructions above, but I don't see my name until I am in game and press 'P'. Can someone "pretend" that I am very dense and give me very specific instructions as to what screen and buttons to push to accomplish this?? Thanks..
  25. WHere are the heli crashes??