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About richien6

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. richien6

    M4A1 Holo SD

    I remember seeing it in the wiki not too long ago, and this was why. I guess I'll have to drop it off somewhere in the wilderness then. Finding SD mags was pretty tough anyways.
  2. richien6

    M4A1 Holo SD

    So, I found a small tent city out in the outskirts and one of them was pretty loaded. AS50, NVGs, Rangefinder, Ghillie suit and a M4A1 Holo SD. No GPS, Entrenching Tool, or any vehicles so I can't say for sure if it was a hacker. I've never seen a M4A1 Holo SD (also has a M203 launcher) and they don't seem to have a page on either dayzdb.com or dayzwiki.com. If these are both unofficial sources, how am I supposed to know if this gun is legit? Can I keep it either way?
  3. richien6

    I hit the mother load...then bam

    Sure, I bet it's awfully hard. Like Bandito said, might have been the server admin who kicked you for finding your stash or because you're a suspected server hopper. Either way, this was a pretty good story. Glad to hear that the bugs sometimes work out for the best.