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About Allot

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    On the Coast

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  1. Allot

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    If you ever want to be with more of your kind there are plenty, Alice. I am one of the most trusting in my team just like you. There is also factions dedicated to care for wounded. Ontopic: I have actually been in a situation were my group encountered 2 other player groups at the same time. They were shooting at each other and one decleared themselves friendly. We said we 2 were friendly and they ran into our building. On their way the bandits started shooting us and broke the legs on everyone of us but 1. (we are 3). Then the friendly group runs in right into the last one standing in our group breaking his leg due to the impact. The bandits fled due to being overwhelmed but the friendly group said they had no morphine and left us all 3 with broken legs....
  2. Allot

    Spread The Word: Surrender Key

    If you are going to be a bandit this is the way you should do it. Killing persons that comply is a waste of ammo and heart
  3. I can't tell for sure but I have heard that it takes 7days until it becomes risk for despawning by itself. Might be wrong though
  4. I think it was my third character. I was running near kamenka near the coast. All of a sudden i hear someone say FREEZE! I stod still explaining I had nothing worth the bullet. He told me: Its your lucky day. I was first confused. Friendly players that I don't know irl? He dropped a M14 with silencer and holo-sight and 5 mags for it. He then left me the gun. Wow, what a kind sir. His name was Big so if you meet him greet him from me
  5. Allot

    Am I Evil?

    Somewhat evil and unkind. Though I don't belive you need us to confirm your "theory"
  6. I remember one moment that happened to me early in my dayz time. I was just going to meet up with a friend near a building. We were really cautios because we had only makarovs and we had seen another player with a rifle in the area. I was almost by the meetupplace when I hear someone talking to me over VOIP, he said: "Hey you there! Turn around! Look out!" I turned and saw the armed man coming out of a bush with several zombies after him. We run alongside noone shot because we were busy running from zombies. We actually talked a little and I thought I found one of the few friendly strangers in the game. I was wrong, after a short silence I turn around to see that the armed player is gone and all the zombies are now chasing me. -.-
  7. Allot

    Fun with direct communication voice chat

    Best way to use VOIP