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Everything posted by Momiji
What's the weirdest thing that's happened to you in DayZ?
Momiji replied to Holograph's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Weirdest thing that happened to me was organizing a team deathmatch with a bunch of friends in the elektro industrial area. During the setup one of the guys got sniped so we set up and started looking for the shooter, i took overwatch on top of a building, i went away for a second to check the map since there was no sign of him/her, when i come back to the game the guy is just staring at me. Needless to say i panicked and emptied my m4 into him, then we went on with the deathmatch. -
Why do people consider Kamenka a bad spawn?
Momiji replied to eviljezza (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I don't particularly mind the spawn but for a few reasons i don't view it as the best of the spawns you can get. It's a shortish trip to Zelenogorsk which is a nice stop, but more often than not i seem to run into the people refilling basic supplies for their camps since the forests west of Zele are pretty popular for camps (Haven't player for awhile so not sure if this is still true). As said though, depends where you're heading, pretty horrible if your going for the cities, good for heading north though, if you get unlucky and aren't geared up for the NW then it's a bit troubling. Every spawn has it's merits, 3 valleys is still dreadful though. -
What do you guys think about the L85A2 AWS?
Momiji replied to money544's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Using the L85 frequently as the spotter in my groups overwatch team, the op complaints are just really whining. Thermal scope is the draw to it, though it is easily countered by walking behind something, glass, a bush, a tree. If you aren't in LoS the thermal won't see you. The effective range is 300m, 200m if you use SD rounds in it. If you get killed by an L85 at plus 300m you would have been killed by just about anything else. The scope takes up a large portion of your first person FOV, you can only hip fire in CQC because of the scope as well. Carrying the L85 with a sniper is not the most effective method to take out targets but if you can be seen by an L85 you can be seen by everything else, sniper rifles can see through glass though so that's a one up on the L85. L85 is basically the counter to ghillie suits, if everyone was forced to play with shadows on, Ghille's are practically invisible, hard to spot from a distance when using an M24 or SVD. L85 counters the advantage they have. As has been said, the gun itself is rare, duping has skewed everything but once that is gone in the standalone, it won't be so widely used as there are much better alternatives. It is outclassed in all ways except as a spotting weapon by just about every other rifle, we use ours exclusively as the spotter weapon on overwatch, rarely does it get fired. It's not the end all be all weapon people seem to think it is, just remember if you can be seen by an L85, you can be seen by a regular sniper as well. -
Listen to interviews from Rocket, Day Z can't do anything about them, that's Battleye and BI's department.
Something that nobody understands about DayZ
Momiji replied to omgwtfbbq (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Curious how the two door buildings are an exploit, i don't really consider it to be one. To each their own anyway, i just run through towns, i know what i want before i go in, get it as fast as possible and then leave. Sneaking has gotten me killed more often in my experience, me going at a snails pace makes for a great target for snipers. Unless you don't go into high value places at all and hit small towns only. Ammo isn't a problem really, Makarov as a zombie killing gun is plentiful enough, considering zombies drop mags for it on occasion. I'll go slow if a player is around, otherwise i just go fast, less time in a town the better i guess for my playstyle. Beauty of DayZ you play how you like, rushing works for me rather than sneaking. Not that i don't have patience, i just choose when patience is required. I'd call disconnecting to despawn zombies an exploit, walking through a building just doesn't seem like one to me. -
Anyone else respawn even though they didn't die?
Momiji replied to FleshP's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Two causes i can think of. You clicked on a private hive server or you got killed before you loaded in completely. Most likely the first one. -
Only thing you ever need to do as a precaution is drop your backpack, no need to remove any items from it, i've had 3 Ghillies and 5 Camo's since the patch and before (Player camps) and dropping the backpack was all i needed to do (Half the time i didn't bother and nothing bad happened anyway). Perfectly safe, just drop the backpack as a safety precaution.
Tents despawn after not having anything placed inside or removed for a period of seven days, we had 2 of our extra tents disappear after no one used them. Your own tents unless you leave them empty for a week will always pop back up after a restart even if you pack them up, if you pack up a working tent and place it somewhere else, next restart two tents will be up. That's if of course you get a tent to work at all. But they do despawn if they aren't used for a week in any way.
What do you do when you have a ghillie and decent weapons?
Momiji replied to General Dickbutt's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Gather the clan together, separate into teams and have a game of last man standing wins, then we hide all the bodies and start over from scratch. -
Stupidest Ways to Die in DayZ
Momiji replied to RainboWarrior's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
My personal stupidest death was, Apparently my character had a bit of a balance issues, climbing out of a PBX, i'm thinking that M107 and backpack full of stuff maybe made him trip and crush his face on the rocks, legs got caught in a rock and broke and subsequently got chopped up by the PBX's motor. Least that's my hypothesis on dying getting out of a boat. My clan mates one was a little more hilarious. We were heading out to raid Berezino as a group of 7, 2 Overwatch, 5 looters. We run past the crashed boat at Rify and one of them decides to swim out to the boat to see if he can stand on it. Now here our group think as he got on the boat, he slipped on a barnacle or whatever, smacked his head on the deck and then got mauled by a shark or something and slowly bled out. The funny part was two of the group went full bay watch mode (Including slow motion due to swim speed) dragging his body slowly to shore where he finally bleed to death before we could help him. Shark theory comes from his body was bleeding from practically everywhere when we pulled him from the water. -
Never actually saw any bad things when playing on side chat, recall one time running north and saw on there. "Who just shot me in NW Airfield?" "That was me, sorry" "Damn good shot that was, well done" Everyone seemed more friendly, the conversation was nice to distract from the running simulator, server actually had a community of sorts. Right now, 3rd Party is all the voip people use, Direct Chat is practically a death wish unless you have the jump on someone. (The sheer amount of idiots i've tracked and killed cause they were using Direct Chat, Proximity based volume is like a homing beacon) It'd be nice to have it, can live without it though, till it returns, teamspeak is all i use. Immersion isn't a big deal for me anyway.
The few servers i played with it on, were a lot more enjoyable to be honest. Trekking from the coast to the north is a lot less mind numbing when you can have a conversation with people. Course it can be abused with giving away camps, vehicles and whatever, but how many forum posts do we see with "Camp at xxx-xxx on Server XX" Hell i spent twenty minutes lying under a tree cause i was walking near stary and thought someone saying in side chat he saw someone in my area was me. Abuse happens enough as it is without it, don't see the harm in letting servers have communities, if of course they make mics not work with side/global.
The Sandbox. Along with the adrenaline rush combat gives in Day Z. Last nights session with my group was the best, my group, 8 players split up into teams of two. Each with a weapon of choice (Minus Snipers and L85). We headed into the Industrial part of Elektro and had a fight to the death, Grenades flying everywhere, flanking, supression everything went on until only one remained, The adrenaline rush after the first contact my team had with another was the best, the heart pounding events after my partner died were even better, Zombies were so much more threatening when you were trying to not reveal yourself in the end we all died, grabbed what gear we needed and hid our bodies, planning to have the little match again later. No game gives the same rush with playing, keeps me coming back every day for more.
No matter where you hide stuff, it'll be found, people dedicate a lot of time to finding camps and vehicles, they know where to look. Basically the place you decide no one ever goes to and is the best place,100% guaranteed 10 other people thought the same thing. Or will think it later.
1200m shots are not common place, most people can't manage 800m. Also forgot to mention, DMR can be used with night vision, best sniper in the game for versatility. Anyway on to the point. Duping is a problem yes, but the guns themselves are not. AS50 is going to kill you no matter what, not because of the gun but the .50 BMG coming from it, this round can tear a human in half from a fair distance. It is an Anti-Material rifle, designed for use on Military Equipment most commonly Vehicles, Infantry have no or minuscule chance of survival, get shot in the foot, you lose a leg etc. L85, This is not the end all be all weapon, it's range is pathetic unless your good at equating bullet drop, effective at 300m anything longer and you can get better accuracy elsewhere. Thermal is good for spotting sure, but lets see it's counters. Trees, Bushes, Glass and Buildings. It is nigh useless in close quarters because there are many better options for that situation, since it uses a scope, no aiming for you, hip fire is accurate to a point but you'd be better off with a FAL or Mk 48 if your going CQC. Duping is of course a problem, but teams usually only have 1-2 L85's, these guys don't shoot unless they are a solo overwatch then they have a back up sniper. I'll agree with the point made earlier, if these guns weren't here, complaints would go to the next high tier firearm, we'll end up at "Hatchet is to quiet, make it louder" at some point if they removed weapons because of complaints. In short, Get rid of Duping, but keep the weapons intact. Duping will have to waiting till Standalone though.
Zig-Zagging is an effective way to dodge sniper fire, sprinting if your taking a flight route instead of fight to make you faster is preferred to crouching (Slower target means your easier to hit and you take longer to get out of sight). Best way i learned to dodge shots is to take up the role of what i'm trying to dodge. Cities for one, I spent a few days sniping Cherno/Elektro, probably made a few enemies right there but i learned what targets were harder to hit, prone was slightly difficult to aim the shot but the slow movement gave me many more attempts, crouched was easiest because it combines slow movement and large target. Sprinting was by far the most difficult, leading the target is fairly challenging, add in zig zagging and erratic movement and it becomes much more difficult to place a shot. Also doing this, i learned the field of view snipers have from the prominent nests, where they could see (Most snipers don't move) making my knowledge of the surroundings all the better. All paid off when i started being fired on by an M107 in Cherno on a fresh character, my count was 2 mags before he gave up on me.
Most likely a hack, could be a bug but teleporting is usually hackers.
Had it once on my L85 on the first scope in after logging in, NV was completely black and Thermal was Black/White. Fixed itself after scoping out and back in.
Not really helping to bring in new players guys??
Momiji replied to biddy381's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I came up with a little line when i was thinking about it before sleep after ending a session killed by a "friendly". In Day Z, Trust is not freely given, it must be earned, earning it however is an impossibility. -
How long to you wait to be logged into the game??
Momiji replied to Persason's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
1-10 minutes usually, if it takes more than 10 i close the game and try another server. I'd be fine with it taking awhile, if my character wasn't standing in game able to be killed even if i log out in the middle of nowhere. -
Everyone cries for the banditry to be toned down, give reason for people to play friendlier, if supplies are more scarce, then coastal killing will become common place. I can agree that having my loot be taken rather than just killed for fun would be preferable, but i'd still disagree with this suggested change in regards to loot as it make banditry the best way to play, in my opinion. Risking zombies and bandits to loot a supermarket is a lot more effort for less reward than just killing players from a safe spot. Just my opinion though. I can appreciate the OP's intentions but i disagree on some points, not all but some. Ammo scarcity is something i'd like, it would encourage more restraint on shooting than we have now.
I was meaning it would make it worse than it already is, banditry will always be rampant, always. Making it actually the best way to play only hastens the slow change into every single person turning to it.
I'll just elaborate on the problems i see then. Loot: Food/Drink items decreased, weapons decreased, ammo decreased in relation, backpack upgrades decreased, spawning with a smaller backpack. Basically in essence this makes the Risk Vs Reward of looting favor the risk side to me, if i go into a city/town, looking for supplies, i may come up with nothing but empty cans because the spawn rate has been lowered, this means i have no incentive to actually do any looting because it'll waste my time. This makes camping and banditry more reliable in finding supplies. Zombies: Take away the unpredictable movement and speed and they are no longer even an annoyance. If they shamble and just walk straight, free headshots for your stat bar, no challenge, no sense of danger. Plus you might want to read Rockets views, he prefers Infected, Infected can run and sprint. Features: Blood types are a little strange, unnecessary in my opinion, why use a syringe when i could use a blood bag? unless you make bags spawn at ridiculously low rates rivalling antibiotics. Which would be stupid. Water boiling makes little sense, there is no possible way that every single lake, pond and river in Day Z is stagnant, they already removed refilling at the coast. This makes it even more annoying to refill canteens. Cooked Meat is a no, only possible way for a soloist to refill blood and it's fine as it is at 800. Refilling blood with canned foods is rarely done and to costly to be effective. Edit: Taking away unlimited sprint is bad, it's already bad enough running long distance, even with increased vehicle spawns as you'd propose, low chance of finding one yourself, since clans hoard them for the sake of hoarding them. Also server hoppers camp them.
Why the respawn button should be in the game
Momiji replied to >mfwnorespawn's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
And you make the load times longer for everyone else and cause the server to desync and delay wasting everyone elses time because your time is more important. Removal was necessary since it was in the game to assist with game breaking bugs like the rocks and trees breaking your legs or getting stuck, not for you to get the best spawn. -
Part of the game i believe. (Arma 2 not Day Z) My Tip: Abort as soon as it disappears and reload, should be back.