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About hype00

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    On the Coast
  1. Nice one:) One time i lost 4 bacpacks in 10 minutes so i was working on solution. Thx for tip.
  2. I work out solution to a problem with loosing backpack on random morphing. As any bandit know, when you start new life, you have bandit skin, but after some time, in a random moment, you morph into survivor and if you aqcuierd any bacpack during being in bandit skinn, your bacpack gona reset to a coyote patrol pack. Its going even further, as if you get any murder (not bandit kill) while being in survivor skin, you gona morph again into bandit. It gona be a permanent change but you will lose backpack again, if you looted any, while being a survivor. So i found that when you freshly spawn in, you have to log out and log in again. This reloging must have place before first random morph into survivor. If you do that the way i described, after reloging, your bandit skin gona be permanent. Of course there is posibility that you aqcuire enought humanity to become survivor so you gona morph, thats why its good solution only for people who have humanity so low, that they for sure not gona morph because of humanity increase. Of course remember that if you find ghilie or camo suit, before wearing it, you have to drop your backpack to the ground (best place is default loot spawn) because any skin change cause backpack reset. After puting new cloths on simply pick up your bacpack. Hope it will help some of you guys. Thats work for me at least.
  3. hype00

    Pending Update: Build

    Ok. What about bug with backpack. Im a bandit. Every time when i start on the coast, i have bandit skin. After about 15-30 minutes my skin is back to survivor. If i accuire any backpack after that, and then i kill player, i got my bandit skinn back but when it changes, my back pack resets to default and i lose most of my items that i had in it. Few days ago i had ridiciulous situation. I've spawned on the coast, i went to some tents close to my location. I looted coyote backpack, some weapons and supplys. Just after looting, my skin changed to a survivor skin. My backpack was gone along with secondary weapon and medical supplys. I went back to tents to loot new stuff. Iv'e took new backpack (another coyote) new secondary gun (M249 SAW) and when i was about 100 meters from tents, i saw player incoming to loot them. I shooted him and my skin changed back to bandit. Gues what? I lost another backpack (alice) and another gun. So i got back there, took alice pack and m4 holo from body, and he had camo clothing inside. I decided to put it on me. What happened? I lost fourth backpack and fourth weapon, and yet again medical supplys. After that i've took last backpack from tent, second to last weapon. Im riding tents only to get some stuff for me. I never hoard stuff to my tents from another tent. I ended up clearing almost all high end gear from that tents. I wasted all medical supplys that was gathered there, and took 4 backpacks. Im patient. I found myself server where there is only minor hacker activity, i try not to pay attention to all the bugs, but this losing backpack on morphing situation makes this mod realy unplayable. Not to mention that yesterday i finaly made camp wich works. First time in this game my loot was saved in tents after server restart. In adition to this i found pick-up truck loaded with high end gear and drived it to my camp only to find today that all tents and cars would be whiped. Im okay with this but get rid of morphing issue! Its cool thing but its bugy as fuck so maybe disable morphing for mod and work things out for standalone. Not to mention that every morph into any kind of clothing, resetes your stats about murders and zombies I have -30000 humanity and still killing so its not likely that i will become survivor again in future. PLZ DO SOMETHING!
  4. hype00

    DE 55 Cheater

    From my expirience its less secure to play on those where you witnesed hacking. We had few servers where we played for long time. Our favourite was DE22. But since first hacking act on this server, its started to be more and more invaded by hacking anomalies. Was same story with 2 other servers so i sugest that you should find yourself one server and play it till there will be hacking. Then you have to find different. Hacking become a real plague in last few weeks. I changed my playstyle because of this. For now, there is no point in any long term survival atempts since you always can expect that somone gona teleport you into the sky or turn you into rabbit. So now im loging in with new character and going straight to electro or cherno to do some pvp. Hope that all gona change in standalone DayZ and any survival oriented gamplay will be worth my time.
  5. Player named wtfhdf teleported all players to balota airfield and turned us into rabits. After a while he turned us into soldiers in helmets and was constantly teleporting us to different places.
  6. hype00

    DayZ Mobile app for Android (v. 1.50)

    Nice work man. just downloaded it to my galaxy s2. It gona be very handy. Keep it up.
  7. hype00

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Thats not quite accurate. Some time ago i was playing on some german server. Sudenly all my inventory was replaced by infinite number of some kind of explosive charge. I suicided and after few minutes it happened again. Althou i joined other server and explosives was gone. It probably worked just on one server.
  8. Ok. I have something that will beat your all glitches. I was in barn near Pavlovo. I looted winchester and some minor stuff. I had some other stuff on me wich i looted before. I got out of barn, i crouched and sudenly my winchester disapeared, but its not the end of story. I checked my gear, and it was all gone apart from toolbelt wich was ok. Then i tryed to cycle throu my weapons. Then i notcied that i have exposive charges... I went to inventory again, and it was full of explosive charges. I started to drop them of but after 184th explosive charge i gave up and comitted suicide. Other more ordinary bugs after update: I lost my backpack after reloging. For some time i had 2 characters simulteonusly but one died, and other is somwhere there. Zombies are mostly standing still. Zombies who move, sometimes agroes from ridiculous distance. Update: I respawned on this server again and after some time explosives apeared again so i think it was a hacker. Server name DE22.