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Jello Jaw

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About Jello Jaw

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Interests
    loot & pillage
  1. Jello Jaw

    [Taliban] Santiago hacker

    I'm not QQ'ing, I'm simply posting a video of a hacker in the Cheat Reporting section as it it is intended to be used for.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duHRzWoxErM&feature=youtu.be Hacker on Kanada East Khaos server.
  3. I won't lie, I would live in the woods at night and live the day in elektro or cherno with my team scrounging for supplies and killing. The bandit life is the life for me.
  4. I agree with this completely. I would enjoy a challenge! You have my beans sir!
  5. Jello Jaw

    The Adrenaline Status - Stop ALT+F4ing

    You have my beans sir. Great idea!
  6. Jello Jaw

    Shooting Filled Jerry Cans

    Jerry cans already explode when they are damaged.
  7. Jello Jaw

    Shit/Piss System v1.1

    Fucking hilarious and WTF.
  8. Jello Jaw

    Ghillie Suits Protect Against Thermal

    You want protection of thermal? Why not just smear mud all over your body to hide the heat signatures like in Predator.
  9. Jello Jaw

    Bandit skin alternative: Zombification in 4 steps

    I disagree. If you don't like PvP, just don't play the game. Go sign the PvE server petition and play the waiting game. PvP is a major factor in DayZ that will always keep you on your toes.
  10. Jello Jaw

    zeds with weapons?

  11. I killed a guy yesterday who claims he didn't have any ammo so when I turned around to let him live he shot me once in the leg so I lit his ass up. I will kill anything with a pulse.
  12. Jello Jaw

    Nighttime is NOT realistic

    It can be that dark. When there are clouds covering the sky, stripping it of the moon and stars and with no lights on for miles. It is pitch black outside.
  13. The [b-S G] "clan" has hacked in many vehicles and the best loot of the game on themselves in Elecktro and gave themselves invisibility and invincibility. [b-S G] Remus, Phase, Ragnarok, Maisteri, Adama and Ashke are their names. I don't know how to take a screenshot and I don't have a recording program.