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{BF} Dolf Lundgren

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Everything posted by {BF} Dolf Lundgren

  1. {BF} Dolf Lundgren

    Infinite Loading Screen on & 94876

    fuck this. I have tried every suggestion on this topic (including redownload/reinstall), have now encountered and resolved the 'waiting on host', crash to desktop, and beta patch out-of-date errors. Was able to get into ONE game fine after waiting for loading again for 5 min. now....stuck on loading again. I have tried #16 http://dayzmod.com/f...-on-1723-94876/ #25 http://dayzmod.com/f...-on-1723-94876/ #3 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/35073-stuck-at-wait-for-host/ this is just funny - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/31545-psa-172-downgrade-information-if-you-really-want-to/ and so on. so, fuck it.
  2. {BF} Dolf Lundgren

    Infinite Loading Screen on & 94876

    I just said f it, I uninstalled everything, and trying a fresh reinstall through steam, and NOT using sixlauncher. found a good guide on this forum on install steps, hope that works for me
  3. Yesterday my buddy had the luck of running out of the Debug forest for 30km. As He was making his way to a water source when he finally found the NW corner of the map, he stumbled upon a HUGE camp. this was definitely the clan server camp. He proceeded to raid the dozen or so tents and 10 or so vehicles that were initially visible. 40min-1hr or so later he gets the red chain and the server disconnects. It was late, and he figured that it was a regular restart, no big deal. The next day he logs on to discover that everything that he took from the camp, including the vehicle and the items that he stashed in our camp was gone. He calls me to log on this morning with him @ aprx 11am est. There were NO [FoE] members on at this point, so he proceeded to load up a cargo truck down with TONS of gear. I make my way to the camp, and do the same thing. We both split up and stash the vehicles. I log for the afternoon. Around 2pm est after dicking around in a military off-road vehicle that he found at the camp he received a BAN from the server with no specific reasoning. He then connects to another random server to go setup a new camp and this happens. [FoE] Drazik (some admin, leader Im not sure?) follows him somehow to the random server he went to, teleports him to the middle of nowhere, and kills him. You cant make this shit up. Im sure that he will respond with the specifics of his story, but I want to make sure that these douchebags get blacklisted. So here is what happened to me tonight when I logged back on. I went back to the location where I stashed my truck, and as I approached it I saw a white pickup truck. I dropped prone and watched until they left, sprinted to the truck, hopped in and took off. I drove around a bit as close as I could get to my camp as possible (running out of gas), and then I drop all of the crap gear I had on me, and load myself up with the AS50, ghille suit, and NODS. Shortly after I equip all of this, the server goes disconnected again. Im assuming that they are trying to do a roll back like they did before, but it didnt work, because when I finally got back on, the truck was still in front of me. right when I start to drive away, kicked...reason? my 93 ping was too high. wait 5 min, log back in, kicked again..reason? my 73 ping is too high. Im just assuming that I haven't gotten a ban because there was nobody on that could do it. I am sure that someone with the ability to can look at the server logs and verify that this all happened, because these f***s need to be dealt with. PS - For rougly 4 days or so AFTER 1.7.2 was released this server was not updated. but there was always around 6-7 people on. My buddy and I had speculated that they were probably building a camp and looting their server blind while they had a chance. Im pretty sure this isnt illegal or anything, but it is pretty shady stuff. Something that can also be validated by looking at the logs
  4. {BF} Dolf Lundgren

    US [FoE] Admin/Server abuse - blacklist needed!

    I am now banned from this server for no specific reason. So this has now turned into a ban appeal so I can get my stuff out of my camp and transfer it.
  5. {BF} Dolf Lundgren

    Infinite Loading Screen on & 94876

    same problem. I was able to get into a server early this morning 5am EST. But now I cannot again. fml.
  6. {BF} Dolf Lundgren

    US [FoE] Admin/Server abuse - blacklist needed!

    Bump for a community manager or dayz staff member response.
  7. {BF} Dolf Lundgren

    Loading Screen stuck, global banned?

    I think this same thing may be happening to me as well. How exactly can I get a hold of an admin, or the Dayz staff to verify this?
  8. {BF} Dolf Lundgren

    US [FoE] Admin/Server abuse - blacklist needed!

    Your telling me that the hive servers wouldn't be able to show that someone teleported another player to a random location, murders them, and then logs off. The hive server cannot look at one of their servers logs and show server roll backs at specific times? So unless I happen to be using fraps all of the time, to catch the nonsense that happened to me and my buddy, the regular players are just going to get screwed because they messed with a server clans camp? Ridiculous. I can understand that that people get pissed off in video games when they get screwed over and they have no recourse. I can understand that people make up a lot of bogus nonsense in order to make a situation look differently then it otherwise should/did. I don't have fraps installed on my computer, because I am not usually worried about getting dicked over in a video game. I tried to printscreen relevant frames when this was going on (printscreen doesnt work in AMRA). But the point still stands....this ACTUALLY happened, and I am getting nothing but - "this is meaningless gibber" "It's just a rambled story, no SCREENSHOTS no VIDEOS nothing but a story supposedly made up. He could be butt hurt over some other random crap that happened on that server that is completely irrelevant to this story and he went here to try and get their server blacklisted." I wasn't the one that was 'butthurt' here. The admins who had their camp raided were, given by the admin abuse hammer that they wielded. From what I have been reading on this forum, (which until yesterday, I haven't even looked at) there seems to be a common theme of clans with servers abusing the shit out of it to build and stock their camps, and then admin smash anyone who touches what is theirs. Obviously they arent going to get blacklisted, but shouldn't there be some sort of mechanism to prevent this sort of thing from happening?
  9. {BF} Dolf Lundgren

    US [FoE] Admin/Server abuse - blacklist needed!
