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About vonKeebler

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. vonKeebler

    Banned from US129 for shooting at admin

    Doing? Abusing? Words that denote an ongoing and Persistent occurrences. Unfortunately for some of the trolls, we're talking two isolated incidents with weeks in between. Not a pattern, not a regular occurrence. Yoshi remains the only person banned by human intervention and our server was locked only once for a period of a couple of hours. So if two separate incidents out of the several weeks we've been running the server makes us abusive admins, then so be it. Strangely enough, I'm not too broken up about losing an interwebs pissing contest with the forum trolls by not even competing. In any case, Yoshis ban will be lifted. Mea culpa on that front. And mea culpa on the locking. Having never played in an environment where hackers and griefers have free reign to destroy and destabilize, it's difficult to make that transition. Anything else or have we covered it all?
  2. vonKeebler

    Banned from US129 for shooting at admin

    Ahhh the interwebs... Where truth goes to die.
  3. vonKeebler

    Banned from US129 for shooting at admin

    Yeah, only ONE of us is a bronie... The guy who bought the TS server. We can't change the name unfortunately. We give him crap about it all the time....
  4. vonKeebler

    Is this a hackers gun?

    Some of our guys have the Silenced M4. I've never actually laid eyes on it so I can't tell you if it has a 203 or not. But them chopper crashes spawn some mighty fine things...
  5. vonKeebler

    Bullshit death

    Tis the chance you take server hopping into the barracks. We weep for thee.
  6. vonKeebler

    Forming a small group

    bump, We're running mostly on the Dallas 11 and 14 servers.
  7. vonKeebler

    Forming a small group

    This game obviously works better with a gang, so if you're interested in working together, come roll with us! No 'joining' required. Come and go as you please! Just looking to find more people to trek the wilds with as a group.