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About chaR

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  1. I actually really like the idea of adding seconds to your DC timer when shots are being fired in your vincinity. Really good idea imo. And to the people saying you need to serverjump to find day/night server, I also implemented the possibility for that in my post, so I don't really see why that would be a problem.
  2. Pretty sure there shouldve been atleast 1 HIVE server. Was on a server that my friend logged onto fine. Reason I killed myself is because in the past I had this aswell, but then respawning would simply fix it. And yes, I spawn ont he coast aswell, like I started a new character.
  3. Hey, I came back home today after being gone for a couple of days & was very excited to play the new patch! After I installed everything, I log'd in, only to find my character being gone. I tried several servers, got myself killed twice, but I never got my old character back (which literally had perfect gear). Anyhow, I was wondering if anybody had the same n managed to fix it somehow since I really would like to get my character back with all the gear it had. Any help would be welcome really. (Note: I'm not whining, I know it's alpha & tough luck for me if I lost it & won't be able to retrieve it. I just want to know if anybody has similar issues and managed to fix it).
  4. I have no idea what this cqf clan is, but this shit is epic
  5. Hi, I've submitted this TWICE now at the server reporting forum, but for some reason it isn't getting approved: I honestly don't get how this cannot be dealt with. If I could run third-party video capture software, I would, but even though I have a damn fine desktop, I still cannot fraps DayZ because of the shitty ARMA2 engine eating up my pc. I cannot see how it can be demanded to run third-party software in order to deal abusive admins. An easy solution would be a demoing feature such as counter-strike has. Even though, I can't see how such a thing is necisarry for something this straightforward. Do ARMA2 servers not have serverlogs or anything? Every action that was done by this admin should be visible in server event-logs. I cannot see how a screenshot would be of any evidence either. What could we have taken a screenshot off? The "you have been kicked from the game window?" How exactly does that prove anything at all? It could be taken at any given moment on another server. It doesn't reveal anything about the actions of the admin. Even server monitoring sites such as http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/271774 show a million times more information/evidence than a screenshot of a kickmessage would. It pisses me off greatly, knowing that this guy is getting away with this, while he abused his admin powers to the fullest & only reaps the benefits of it. In the end, dieing has granted him & his friend with a fully repaired hilux with an insane amount of loot in it and a dirtbike. If I could run Fraps in arma2, I gladly would. I'd love to capture epic moments (like these kills were, regardless of the admin abusing his power) like this. Yet there is absolutely no logic in requiring video footage to provide evidence in server-related activity. Especially not when such footage can only be acquired through third party software & there is no in-game demo function. TL:DR: Why should a player run third-party software, which stresses your system massively, to prove the abusive actions of an admin? Every action an admin does should be recorded in the eventlog of a server.
  6. Something really has to be done about admin abuse in general. Some admin got mad after we killed him & his friend after tailing him epicly, surrounding them & taking them out. Then he kicked the entire server and locked it. Tried to report it twice, but the topic was never even posted on the server report forum. I asume it is because we couldn't provide any evidence, though I assumed server logs would clearly show everything. Not everybody can use/run fraps, there is no demo feature ingame as far as i know and screenshots prove nothing in such a scenario. Makes me wonder if ARMA2 servers actually don't have event logs or something? I gave a pinpoint accurate description of what happened, it was a clear abuse of admin powers & he's just getting away with it, while we lost a hilux filled with the loot of 3 helicopters & a dirtbike.
  7. chaR

    Knocked out on log in?

    It's a bug caused by loging out with shock once. Just go in shock again (ask your friend to shoot you in the foot or something) and sit it out properly, it'll be fixed. I had the exact same issue yesterday.
  8. chaR

    no need to go against alt f4 :-)

    Not sure what game you are playing. 1) If they alt-F4, their body wiill despawn almost every single time. 2) In High-risk areas, many people seem to be having their finger on the alt-F4 button while they are looting the fucking NWAF/Stary 3) If they have any desync when they get shot & they alt-F4 their character simply rollbacks. In short: You're clueless, shut the f*ck up. And then im not even talking about your fucktarded "if you don't headshot them, they deserve to alt-F4" logic.
  9. You have to know where to look. Some spots are really common, though I doubt anyone is gonna reveal their secrets (neither am I) Half true, losing items while swimming is dependant of a serverside setting now. EDIT: And some things about what people say in here, > Skalisty Island isn't thát popular. But the few times you find camps there, they will be huge. Though, there are way more efficient spots on the map to hunt for tents. > Looking on highpop servers isn't what matters, the main two things that lead to succes serverswise are going on servers with low serial numbers & clanservers. > Always look down from uphil, that gives you the most chance. Rarely people apply strats as placing them behind rocks so they are visible from below but not from above. > There is one spot which is pretty much jackpot on every server you log on to, I won't reveal it, maby somebody else will in this thread & if you apply some common sense and combine the ingame map with the dayzdb map, you should be able to easily locate it. (Atleast the group i play with found tents there on about 66% of the servers we went on). > Walking down the line from Southwest to northwest is way to much effort (seriously it is), you can have way more succes once you figured out a few of the hotspots. Ive done it a few times, rarely had any succes & never found a big camp like I did on the spot I mentioned before (where ive found multiple huge ones). Happy hunting
  10. chaR

    Trade: Dragunov SVD (Camo)

    As long as Alt-F4ing isn't fully fixed, I doubt any 2-hit sniper other than the DMR is worth anything. Even though the SVD camo looks cool n is one of the rarest weapons in-game, i'd take a M107 or AS50 over it any day right now.
  11. 1) Don't chose 50+ player servers. 2) Never encounter hackers. I've come across a hacker once since I started playing this game 1.5months ago & that was when i went on a really high pop server.
  12. If you want realism you might want to consider other aspects first such as those that I suggested earlier: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55481-yes-another-get-rid-of-sniper-guns-whine/#entry530870 . Loot cycling is far from an efficient method aswell, server jumping is way bigger of an issue. Yet nerfing tents has absolutely no relevance to that. Nerfing a perfectly viable mechanic in order to reduce the effectiveness of a bug instead of fixing the bug? What kind of stupid-ass logic is that. Loot cycling & duping are bugs. Report them so they get fixed, They have nothing to do with realism or tents.