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Quasar (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Quasar (DayZ)

  1. I'm with the majority on this one, the ability to transfuse yourself takes a major element of social interaction out of the game - having to find somebody to transfuse you, and trust them to do it while your back is turned, when they could just as easily take your life.

  2. The knife has a chance of... creating a sharp object? It's a sodding KNIFE.

    Seriously, though, I think it's possible to take realism a bit too far. Imagine a pull-tab, if it helps. If we start having to scavenge for can openers, then the 'realism' crowd will say "Why can't I just shoot the can" or whatever.

  3. What if the 'bandit' status was still visible, but hidden somehow? Like, once your humanity drops below a certain level, your eyes will start to glow? This would gradually fade over time, but could also be completely hidden by acquiring some kind of goggles/mask.

    This would lead to all kinds of fun situations... Players forcing someone to take off their helmet (making them more vulnerable to headshots) before giving them any assistance... bandits putting on a mask in order to infiltrate a group, hoping that the glow will wear off before they get suspicious...

    Obviously this would reset on death.
