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CPD - Delithralas

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About CPD - Delithralas

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. I must agree on above mentioned. I have played DayZ since start May. After some time the hackers took over. After searching and trying many whitelisted servers I finally found this. - I have tried a few others meanwhile but noone like this. I was starting up a huge project for public servers, but the hackers just killed it. I am now playing almost daily on this server. Basically I do not play on any other server unless I need major action (Namalsk servers). We have only 1 admin. But I have never met an admin so dedicated who himself is just as active as he's taking care of bugs etc. - BIG THANKS TO YOU MAC! Our events every Friday is just hillarious! Last Friday we had so much fun. Almost everything was running just smoothly. Alot of kills and generally just very much fun and good communication between everyone. Make sure to search for "Wireworld" in DayZCommander and sent your application to get whitelisted. Our TeamSpeak community is just fantastic! Hope to see you soon :-). // Delithralas
  2. GUID: 1a816112f1480eb3cc75a80a70bc16f3 IGN: Delithralas Hope to be able to play. Sounds like a pretty decent server :)
  3. Hello Mac, I have just sent you an e-mail with the required information... Or at least I think I did. In the OP you stated that only ingame name is needed but further down page one you mentioned GUID as well? Please update the OP if GUID is also needed :-). Best regards, Patrick - Delithralas
  4. CPD - Delithralas

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    I'm glad to see your interest. Unfortunately we have been on hold lately as I have been really sick lately and still don't feel too good yet (I'm getting there!) and Virus has started education again, but I expect to be ready within a week or two. I can tell you that we have been talking about getting one or more teams together so that we can operate in groups on different servers (this will be for whitelisted players only) and the team will be public on this thread :-). I'm sorry for the time delay but I can promise you that when we return, we return with full power.
  5. CPD - Delithralas

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    If you are in need of escort or just someone to help you get started, feel free to ask for help in this thread. Someone will afterwards contact you and make sure that you will be well treated and get a good start :). CPD makes sure that YOU are safe if needed!
  6. CPD - Delithralas

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    I would like you to read your previous post. Because that wasn't what you wrote at all :-). - Let me quote it exactly. In what way has that anything to do with what you were saying now? I'm not trying to hate or anything. I'm just trying to figure out why you are saying two different things?
  7. CPD - Delithralas

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    'Officer' will be ready to assist from about 11pm GMT+1 time, so if you need any assistance at that time or later make sure to add me on Steam (see my signature) or PM me here. You can already "book" me now if you know you wil need help at that time :)
  8. CPD - Delithralas

    I want to play a game.

    Sounds fun :-). I'd say... Leave the gear at the firetower. So let's say that I want a M4A1 CCO SD, you would leave it at the Fire tower with 4 mags. IF i got to the NW airfield I could take the gear and just leave. This way you could (if in doubt) fly back and check the tower to see if the gear was/is still there. If it isn't, well then I finished and took my reward. If it is there and nobody cought me, I'd still be alive and going there :-). Makes any sense? Oh any btw, how's the rules? - Kill on sight?
  9. It would be cool if they added actual groups. So you can form a group and within this group you could use strobes. So if you see a flashing strobe, it's a friendly. Just like in the real world :-).
  10. CPD - Delithralas

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    It is still the TMW whitelist. It is handled by the leaders of TMW (as far as I know). So I don't see how this is a bad way to judge. But thanks for the headsup anyways, eventhough I already did know that the TMW whitelist doesn't make you a part of their group. And btw. I would say that anyone on the TMW whitelist is affiliated with TMW, they are just not a part of the TMW group (Please correct me if I'm completely wrong) :).
  11. CPD - Delithralas

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    Fantastic post - very short, but detailed! Unfortunately I was a sleep at that time (which is something new), but I will save the servername and check in later tonight with a few friends of mine and see if we can find some Bandits :) Jester. Also feel free to add me or any other 'Officer' to Steam, Skype, PM or whatever they promote in their signature for faster contact. This way you get instant help in a situation as above mentioned :).
  12. CPD - Delithralas

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    As far as I know they haven't taken any list down. Follow the link in the intro post and you will see the list of 81 whitelisted players. As soon as I see you on that list I will add you to ours :)
  13. CPD - Delithralas

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    You are not listed on the TMW whitelist yet, but feel free to help anyone in need of assistance and make them post about their experience in this thread. As soon as I see you on the TMW whitelist I will add you to ours as well :).
  14. CPD - Delithralas

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    As a post to the above mentioned you can contact the Medical team "TMW - Trusted Medics of the Wasteland" if you need a Medic to assist you with Morphine, bandage or whatever. And as mentioned in above post - We need more info to start an investigation and start a search for the Bandit :).
  15. CPD - Delithralas

    Getting desperate...

    Sorry, but I have to say... You shouldn't have downloaded Skype - It sucks badass! B) TeamSpeak is the way to go - High quality, Push To Talk or Voice Activation (or even both), lightweight software which runs smoothly and doesn't take up any CPU usage compared to Skype ;)