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Mr. GoodCat

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Everything posted by Mr. GoodCat

  1. hey! ive been looking for someone to group with for ages! i am english but i kno your looking for dutch speaking people but id thought id ask anyway :) looking to group to improve survival chances and have just have some good fun lootin! let me know if you want to group or not. cheers
  2. Mr. GoodCat

    [Zombo] looking for new Clan/Group (EU)

    hey! i dont have a clan or anything like that but i am looking to group up with other people to start a small group on dayz. particularly bored of soloing dayz atm and grouping sounds much more fun so let me know if you want to or not cheers!
  3. skype: sketchy-j- Id love to play with you group of guys, been looking for a group cus im fed up of solo dayz! looking for some good group dayz :)
  4. Mr. GoodCat

    Looking for some guZ to play with.

    just added you on steam mate :D
  5. Mr. GoodCat

    Lone wolf, into Pack runner

    id love to join up with you, sick of playing dayz by myself and looking for some grouped fun! ill pm you on steam, what servers do you usually play?
  6. Mr. GoodCat

    Looking for people to join my group

    Do you only accept Australians? or are you willing to make any exceptions? just kinda fed up of soloing dayz now :')