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Warhog (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Warhog (DayZ)

  1. Gotta agree to that -.- The reaction of the admin was selfish and childish, i mean a driveable vehicle is for everybody and not only for him, or was his name written on it? And from a clan called "lulz" i assume only trolls are in this clan :(
  2. Warhog (DayZ)

    Arma2:OA do not longer works

    I have the same facking problem. Yesterday i played 5 hours, with zero problem everything was working fine and today? It even lags in the Main Menu and it crashes at the same spot as EndGig said >:(
  3. Warhog (DayZ)

    Arma II lags at main menu

    Hello. I have the same problem since today... Yesterday everything was working fine, no lags or connection Problems. Then i set my PC over night to Stand-By and today i doesn't works anymore. I have lags in the Main Menu and after joining a Server and when it starts loading the map it say's Arma2 OA doesnt works anymore -.- I already tried to reinstall DayZ and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead... I don't know what i should do to fix this >:( System: AMD Phenom X4 @ 4x 3.6 GhZ Asus 560 GTX Tii Cu 6 GB Ram
  4. Warhog (DayZ)

    [GUIDE] Vehicles & Repair

    I was wondering. Im playing on DE(Germany) Servers, but i never encountered an Vehicle, not even a Bicyle by the so called spawn points. But i find a lot of car parts to fix a Vehicle. Are they disabled or something, because in the Changelog nothing was written about the vehicles would be disabled <_<
  5. Warhog (DayZ)

    I've had enough dying. So now I kill.

    I got murdered two times, while i was playing alone. The 3rd time i already had my buddy in Skype and we wen't surviving together. We wen't to Staroye to the long building and met two other players. I said we are friendly through my Mic, the other guys already had firearms and we only had a hatchet and a crowbar as weapons. First my buddy was shot in a corner, while picking up a water bottle, i saw everything and asked "Why?!", the answer was from the other guy: "Because you are fair" -.- Since them we avoid other players, even if they are unarmed or they even yell friendly, we back up and say "Stay away from us, we don't want any trouble" and go away. Never trust anyone in DayZ, only your close friends on Skype or Teamspeak. OT: Are the Vehicles disabled in DayZ? Because i never say a working vehicle or even one to fix, or all the Vehicles in North kept by Pro Players? Finding Vehicle parts isn't a problem :/
  6. Yesterday a guy tried to sneak up on me in a wearhouse outside Komarovo. He had an hatched and was sneaking, i heard someone coming upstaris and yelled "friendly"--> No answer. 20 secs later he charged at me and missed me 3! Times with his hatchet, i guess i was lucky and killed him with one swing of my hatchet... Did i felt guilty? Not really, because he tried to kill me in cold blood so it was self defense i guess ^^
  7. You are superior ^^ Take that you backstabbin, Bandits.
  8. Warhog (DayZ)

    People are assholes

    It's funny when you get shot by Dudes with Firearms and you only have a hatchet xD Hope it was worth the bullets :D I tried to be friendly three times, now im sick of meeting anyone in the game, only the friendly face of my buddy in Skype, then im happy and we go together :P Tip: Only group up with people you know for a long time and talking to them in Teamspeak or Skype, otherwise never trust no one in DayZ. It's easy to lie by yelling friendly in the Mic or in the chat ;)