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About Xrinaphobia

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Xrinaphobia


    I'd totally buy a Mountain Dew necklace, bring my bad luck with them from DayZ into the real world!
  2. Xrinaphobia

    Grounded the little turd

    That rule is the golden rule, shot my own dad in the back of the head in a barn for a CZ. ;_;
  3. I agree with the above. Global chat would be a nice addon. Hackers mass TP'd us all to one spot last night, wasn't very fun.
  4. Xrinaphobia

    Best Heli Loot!

    I like the Bizon ._. Even though it's really weak, It's been helpful for dropping zombies at deerstands or in towns. Even though this character's on a private hive and been alive one day. It's easily my best character. M14 and Bizon seems my perfect combo as of yet.
  5. Xrinaphobia

    Best Heli Loot!

    So, post YOUR best Helicopter crash site loot. Only found two sites, one had been looted. Other one was today, found an M14 AIM with one clip, and a Bizon SD with three clips.
  6. Started playing, found a boat and a bus, both broken D: But still, found two vehicles within an hour of each other. Seems like a good server, was low pop, only me and two other people :P But it does look like a cool server!
  7. Xrinaphobia

    The Green Mountain.

    ^ That. I've done the flush trick many a times when I get hit by Graphical Artifacts, sometimes it works, others it doesn't.
  8. Xrinaphobia

    The Green Mountain.

    Hello folks! (NOT ALL OF THIS IS TRUE, SOME BITS OF IT ARE MADE UP FOR DRAMATICAL AFFECT. But for the most part its real.) A few of you might remember me from this thread (http://dayzmod.com/f...in/#entry333922). I was asking about Green mountain, being quite stupid back then. So curiousity got the better of me a few days after that thread, and on our way past GM, I told my friend about it, and said there was vehicle spawns, to make him come with. So he did, and we ventured up. The first time we went up there, I was instantly hit by Graphical Artifacts. We thought nothing of it, I returned to the foot of GM, and my friend pushed on to check it out. Ten minutes later, a lot of gunshots later, he returns with nothing, but a lesser amount of clips. We leave, and think nothing of it, my hopes of anything spooky destroyed. A week or two after that, we joined a different server, and I pursuaded him to come with me a second time to investigate the place. We got near it, my friend was slightly ahead, and reported 0 artifacts, as I neared, I also had no artifact problems. Green mountain was now in my sights. We entered, he led the horde on a goose chase, whilst I checked out the tower. Nothing at all on top, I decided I'd stop and have a look around on top. I looked around from the top, zooming in on the nearby forest and fields, then looked at my friend, who was still evading zombies. He was growing impatient, so I took a few of the horde out from on top of the tower, and then climbed down, determined to help him escape. I gunned the rest of the horde down as they chased him, easy enough. As we was leaving, my screen explodes into graphical errors as we pass the main gate, I can't see anything, and it takes a few minutes to get us on the right track out of there. And as I was leaving, I was sure I heard static. My final encounter up to date. Today, about 9 hours ago. Me and my friend, who had just got the game, was hitting the deer stand near GM, when I had an idea of actually going up and checking it. I didn't tell him anything about it, not what spawned, or my past experiences. As we was drawing near, he was hit by Graphical Errors, he tried to push through them, but couldn't. I told him to return down to the bottom and wait for me near the road. He said okay, and headed back down the hill. As I drew near, I tried to crouch run, but I was spotted quickly, the entire horde started to chase me, I dashed for the gates but couldn't open them. I doubled round and managed to open the gates, almost causing me to get Zerg'd by the horde. My quick thinking led me into the tower, I climbed to the top, "They'll come up one by one and I'll kill them! :D" I though to myself. Lolno I was wrong. Instead of coming up. One sat at the bottom of the ladders, and the rest stood under the platform. Were these zombies...smart? Was it GM keeping them alive? Did GM cut me off from my friend? Dundunduuuuunnn.
  9. Xrinaphobia

    Post Your Playstyle And Current Setup

    Solo player, occasionally meet up with a friend and go round to places vehicle hunting. At the moment I'm training a friend of mine who just got the game. Overall friendly, will try to keep out of players ways, will kill if suspected hostile. Ghillie Suit (Friend gave it me when we went to GM together) AKM w/ 6 clips Gave my sidearm away. All tools needed to hunt for myself. Map + Compass + Watch. Nothing too flashy, enough to get by really.
  10. Xrinaphobia

    Want a sig pic? i'll make one for you!

    Just got my finished Sig sent to me in PM's. I love it, 10/10 for this dude! :D
  11. Xrinaphobia

    Retention Dropping

    I don't get why people think that's the only thing you can do. Have some creativity and imagination! Instead of just looking for loot and vehicles... Why not get a squad and give free rides to new spawns? Why not start up a team of people who can bodyguard someone? Why not use a bit of creativity for the game!
  12. Xrinaphobia

    Bicycle fail, crash, stunt, Queen Compilation - DayZ

    Sir, you deserve my beans and my soda, please take them for such a good video.
  13. Xrinaphobia

    Our first chopper ... Kinda

    I'm giving you my beans for the song.
  14. Xrinaphobia

    I am a Survivor (Official)

    Sir, you deserve my beans.