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About Letonator

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Iowa City, IA

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  1. Letonator

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm available for at leas the next few hours. If you need assistance in the SE area, around cherno, elektro, and as far north as Berezino, add me on skype ( dan.hahn.leto ) and I'll see what I can do with getting you medical assistance.
  2. Letonator

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    The Elseta case has been resolved successfully.
  3. Letonator

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I got this one, right inside my operating area.
  4. Letonator

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    East Coast Dr. checking in for the next few hours. Shout if you need medical or logistical aid.
  5. Letonator

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    This is pretty far outside my operational range, but if a team is being put together this afternoon to get in and get medical attention to him, I can make the run in a few hours time. I have the surplus medical supplies to make sure he doesn't die, but I don't have the firepower by a longshot. If a team is being put together, get in touch with me ASAP on twitter (twitter.com/Leto) or email (letoatreidesofcaladan@gmail.com), and I'll make sure I'm ready to go. EDIT: 5th Element has this covered and appears to not need any assistance with this operation, feel free to post a new case if you need any kind of assistance.
  6. Letonator

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    This is *NOT* a medical emergency, just a request for assistance from a fellow medic or survivor sided with us. I need to get a tent set up somewhere on the east coast, but it seems fate has deemed that I simply cannot find one to get up and going when I need one. I've taken a few bites but not bad (about 9k, not an emergency) and am loaded with supplies something fierce. If anyone is available to help me pitch a tent (giggity) I would appreciate the aid.
  7. Letonator

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm a TF2 Official Medic, having already taken a hypocratic oath with that organization and now prepared to do the same for the men and women of Chernarus. No, I haven't helped anyone yet, but I'm willing to change that tonight when needed. I'm currently out on the East Coast, shout for aid with server/location. Also, feel free to add me on steam/twitter to get in contact with me. twitter.com/leto and [Dr.]Leto
  8. After the reasonable and appreciated feedback on our review video of DayZ, I decided to start working through a full Let's Play of the mod and it's different features. No, I really don't know everything or much at all, nor am I very good, but I felt after the review I needed to keep plugging away at it despite all I felt was lacking with the program. In addition, I wanted to show a full lets play, instead of edited material with audio recorded over it, to show any and all bugs, death, and incidents I come across, as well as provide as much information that I can gather. With all that being said, here's the first video in the series as well as a link to the playlist for the series, which we'll be adding to at least every other day with full 15+ minute episodes. If I make a mistake or give incorrect information, feel free to post in the comments on the video, and I'll correct my mistake in a later episode after learning more about what's going on. Because I don't look at these forums often as well, the best way to stay updates with these episodes is by subscribing to our YouTube and podcast RSS feeds, which I'll also link below. Thanks! http://www.rdpodcast.com http://www.youtube.c...heRobandDanShow
  9. Letonator

    Game Review: DayZ

    I recently put together a review of the game DayZ. Although I felt I was justifiably critical, I did this with the purpose of wanting to improve the game for a larger market while keeping the multiplayer spirit of "SURVIVE AS LONG AS YOU CAN" in tact. I also understand a lot of the issues I discuss are parts of what make the game so enticing. I would appreciate any thoughts or criticisms on the review, as well as ideas as to how the mod can be marketed successfully to a larger market and become a successful spin-off. Link down below. The Rob and Dan Show YouTube page!