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Everything posted by Zera_Grey

  1. Deagen wasn't raging and yea Bohemia interactive chose the server shame them. I say a rematch with a new server because apparently three weeks isn't long enough to make sure no one lags or at least not lag badly. all deaths by server should not be counted and the winner tonight has to face those who died due to server failures.
  2. Zera_Grey

    [POLL] Standalone and instances

    The instancing is for the bases he plans on adding, which require going underground. He is thinking of using instances so that the servers aren't bogged down by data. He compared it to Skyrim dungeons for the bases, he explains it in some of his interviews. If you want the game to run right some things will have to be sacrificed. His actually Idea does not impact the open world sandbox feel of DayZ, just like in Skyrim.
  3. Zera_Grey

    Gamescom - Aug 2012 - Interviews

    as long as he finds a way to optimize the environment to cut lag on older computers I will happily buy the game.
  4. Zera_Grey

    Can we make this mod/game harder?

    they should make it harder not for the fun factor but because it would limit the death match mentality. if you don't have to just fear players but the environment and your own action. people are more likely to group together to negate those thing or focus more on their own survival then their kill count.
  5. stop making dumb threads this should be deleted. where are the damn forum mods when you need them.
  6. I only saw one post about not being able to run a3 on there computer. go back to reddit or 4chan this isn't the place for this kinda of crap.
  7. I was not attacking you with my post and not once did I say your name in my post. If it was directed at you I would have said Notlim if you do this or do that then you can get defensive. I was posting to the readers who are looking at the post so cool your head. I never said you did anything nor did I imply anything, if you got that feeling sorry. the only thing broken about humanity is that people like to do evil things with out consequence and once consequences are added those people will fight to remove them so they don't have to face the truth bout what they are doing. That line was a generalization and "you" was referring to the bandits players. if you are going to be a bandit this line is not even the full sentence and is an "if" sentence not meaning if you choose to do that don't be ashamed and whine about being outed as a bandit. Farming for humanity is dumb and anyone who does that is a pathetic loser. I hope once you have gotten the bandit skin the only way to remove it is to not kill for a long time period. again I was referring to bandit and generalizing it "you" refers to bandits in general and is part of an idea that they should only gain humanity through not killing for a period of time to combat the farming of humanity. the first part is also aimed at people who farm humanity if you don't do that then why should you care. anyone staying in one place to long is not going to live long it is smart to keep moving not an advantage for just bandits doing so. this is in relation to: The mechanic favors Bandits that kill and move on for some time waiting for regenerative humanity(unless killing becomes more severe in punishment, in which all others will suffer as well). if a medic is killing in any way other then self defense they are not medics, plus never heard a medic go around shooting players who are carrying high tiered gear. this is referring to your comment of medics killing players with high tier weapons, they won't do this unless attacked first and at the point weapon type is irrelevant. players with high tier weapons shouldn't attack a medic unless they are a bandit. Self defense is protecting ones self from any player who is attacking unprovoked. "one person against a group is never going to happen What? This happens incredibly often for me on both sides of the equation. if anything the single person being shot at would flee/hide till the group is gone. See above. I've been in many situations where I am against two or three people, especially in regards to places like sniper hill. Just the other day I had to flank a group of 3 snipers and their pointman because they had someone pinned down in the city below." if you are purposely engaging in group fights then thats different from you spotting a group. you choosing to put your self in danger and take on a group that was no threat to you. it is not the same as unwilling being put in that situation where you are being targeted by the group. I can assure you the person being shot at was hiding till the snipers found a new target or they could find a way to flee. that person was the target of the group not you so you didn't need to run or hide because they didn't know you were there. medics tend to carry tons if med supplies and only kill if attacked, anyone attacking a medic is probably a bandit. I was referring to the medic killing higher geared players comment you made. if you are killing snipers on sniper hill 90% chance that person is a bandit anyway I know there are non bandit snipers but most are the only reason you would be sniping a major city is to cover your buddy or to kill players who enter the city there really isn't any other reasons to be sniping. you pulled an old post from May as a source. that was the old bandit system I assume they have reworked it some and didn't just copy and paste the broken system back in. if you are going to use an old post on a reworked mechanic at least provide current information for readers. this will give people the better understanding of where you are coming from. I did say I assume which implies that I am unsure of what I am saying or in this case hoping they didn't just copy and paste.
  8. you pulled an old post from May as a source. that was the old bandit system I assume they have reworked it some and didn't just copy and paste the broken system back in. if you are killing snipers on sniper hill 90% chance that person is a bandit anyway which I don't think negatively impacts humanity. medics tend to carry tons if med supplies and only kill if attacked, anyone attacking a medic is probably a bandit. one person against a group is never going to happen if anything the single person being shot at would flee/hide till the group is gone. if a medic is killing in any way other then self defense they are not medics, plus never heard a medic go around shooting players who are carrying high tiered gear. anyone staying in one place to long is not going to live long it is smart to keep moving not an advantage for just bandits doing so. Farming for humanity is dumb and anyone who does that is a pathetic loser. I hope once you have gotten the bandit skin the only way to remove it is to not kill for a long time period. the only thing broken about humanity is that people like to do evil things with out consequence and once consequences are added those people will fight to remove them so they don't have to face the truth bout what they are doing. if you are going to be a bandit wear that head piece with pride.
  9. Zera_Grey

    Should the Mod be abandoned

    they already said the mod and standalone are going to be updated together and that is how it should be. if you don't want to play anymore don't. to say stop developing the mod because you can't deal with the things that come along with an alpha a dumb argument. this is never advertised as a complete game you get what you paid for since you paid nothing for DayZ. having DayZ in any shape is just a bonus. to those who just bought Arma 2 just to play the mod you did not buy DayZ you bought Arma 2 your argument is invalid.
  10. Zera_Grey

    Fix the fucking humanity system

    it was you choice to download the patch before rocket put it on six launcher. rule of thumb if six launcher doesn't have the update it is in testing, download at own risk.
  11. bumping your own thread is not proper forum behavior. I'm a neutral/friendly player as well as a lonewolf.
  12. Zera_Grey

    [IDEA] Enable side chat with a new item?

    Yes, for long distance communication it would work. They need to add a side chat where only people within a certain distance can see what you wrote. in real life you don't need radios to talk to the person next to you. -----(side chat with out radios)---- They should set up a system where when you type in chat you are talking normal volume and can be heard X distance. Then to say something to the people next to you, you have to type whisper. Whisper would have a really small range just a couple feet around you. Then there could be a yell command this would increase the range you can be heard. For anything farther the radios can be used to chat between players. Anyone within a certain range can hear you on the radio maybe in a range some where between a whisper and normal chatting.
  13. no one forced you to update it says in the patch topic that it won't be on six launcher till rockets satisfied so if you downloaded it manually or through dayz commander its your issue. next time use the search or just read the title of other goddamn threads on the first page.
  14. Zera_Grey

    Fix The Spawn At Coast Bug!

    post in the bug report section or on the other threads talking about this.
  15. if six launcher doesn't have the update the patch is test at your own risk. please report bugs to the proper place which is linked in the patch post. if you really want to talk about this topic search for other related threads instead of making new ones.
  16. Zera_Grey

    Side Chat

    I think side chat should be brought back but it should be limited to only seeing chat of people close by. mostly because not everyone has a headset to communicate and this will make it so they can talk to those who do.
  17. Zera_Grey

    Bandit Skin Bugged????

    i'm talking about the full release of the patch. if it isn't on six launcher it means the patch is out for players to test of there own free will. if you even read the rocket post on the new updates you would know this. you sir need to be axed a question.
  18. Zera_Grey

    Spawning problem

    go to bug report players can't fix the issues and the devs are less likley to see this when in general section. the issue might be server side, ask the admins of the servers you used.
  19. if it is a bug from the new patch put it in the bug report section or where they tell you to post it in the update thread. https://dev-heaven.net/projects/dayz
  20. Zera_Grey

    Say what about skins?

    are you updated to the newest patch. you could have posted this in one of the many bandit/hero skin threads instead of starting a new topic.
  21. Zera_Grey

    New version problem

    if six launcher isn't updating to the new patch it means that the patch is out to be tested by willing players before releasing it. if you find bugs don't complain to the general chat go to the bug report section. here is the post of rockets for the patch: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/67383-hotfix-build-1725-rolling-update/
  22. Zera_Grey

    Bandit Skin Bugged????

    the new patch is in testing if you are getting bugs report them so that rocket can fix the issue before the full release. by report I mean go post this in the bug report section.
  23. Zera_Grey

    Ammo Regeneration Not Fixed :)

    people need to stop exploiting the game. you are not playing the game if you can only play by exploiting bugs. shame on anyone who uses these bugs to play you all have no rights to call yourself gamers.
  24. Zera_Grey

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    i'm actually glad to see that someone is dealing with the problem hacker or not. I am assuming the player will syop hacking once the bad scripters are dealt with. hacking is the only way to deal with hackers at this point. they keep getting around the ban waves and now are screwing over innocent players. hope he doesn't get banned just yet. he just has to stop dupeing items that is a no no basic items or not.
  25. Zera_Grey

    PvP vs PvE

    I don't think there should be a pve sever. thats coming from someone who always plays pve servers in other games. it is just not dayz plus its not like there are level difference like other games. everyone is on a even playing its the gear that makes a difference. if there weren't hackers and tons of hacked gear in game the pvp would work better. oh and if people stop being a-holes those are the issues this game is not a pve type it just won't work as well.