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NinjaKiwi (DayZ)

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Posts posted by NinjaKiwi (DayZ)

  1. I have been totally immersed by DayZ and I desire a few players to join me in my expeditions..... There are a few requirements though.....

    1. US East- I'm sorry for this prerequisite but this will maximize connection capabilities

    2. Experience- I need members with a decent XP level.. For noobs will just be considered as "Dead Weight"

    3. Maturity- Self explanatory , BUT you can't be complaining about loot.. You will get your share

    4. Mic- A requirement

    If you need to contact me send a Steam request to "Patrickonator123" no quotation marks.

    Thank you for your time


  2. 1)In game name: Patrick

    2)Way to contact you (Skype, steam, ventrilo, etc.): Skype or Steam (Steam: Patrickonator123 [Just the username.. don't laugh made it when I was 10] Nickname: NinjaKiwi)(Skype: XxNinjaKiwi)

    3)Age (doesn't matter really mostly just maturity): 14

    4)Game time: 100+ Hours within the last three months

    5) One sentence summary of how experienced you are: Never die to zombies, Loot and get the fuck out of there, Don't talk to strangers, crouch and prone are your friends, and use your watch to find North

    6)Time Zone: US Eastern Time Zone
