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About DaFi

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. YES And without Backpack too! Why is there a 6slot backpack if you spawn with an 8slot backpack?!
  2. DaFi

    Realistic Chat Groups

    Like it too! Dont really like informations being shared in side chat, that you couldnt know about, because you are miles away.
  3. The chasing, no matter how far, is really kinda wierd. But if there would be a max distance, you could just always run away, into the woods, until you are safe. Not sure what would be a good solution here. Maybe the chance of being knocked over could be incrased, so running away has its risks too ( i.e.: Zombie attack from the back while running has a 50% chance to make you fall down). Zombies should run faster than you in this case, or be able to attack you, while you are running. This isnt possible right now i believe?! And if you already got a distance and can run away, a Zombie should stop chasing you at some point.
  4. DaFi


    25m-30m and I lose vision to my mate with a Chemlight. But you can see the blue dot a little longer.
  5. DaFi

    Tape #11: 05-21-2012

    Really good.