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Everything posted by Jaeskern

  1. Can you name them please? Preferably Europe but US would be ok too.
  2. Jaeskern

    So How Many Have Stoped Playing DayZ?

    Not playing.And if it goes standalone i wont buy it.
  3. Jaeskern

    You fail to understand hacking

    His point was, hackers destroying this game.Einstein.
  4. Take your trolling elsewhere; Also thanks for everyone who contribited to the thread.
  5. Jaeskern

    Low FPS in Dayz

    You aren't a bright kid are you?Both arma 2 and dayz lags becase the engine is a cluster fuck of a coded mess.
  6. Jaeskern

    Low FPS in Dayz

    DayZ is using the arma 2 engine, Einstein.
  7. The only thing i can say is, keep up the good work!
  8. Jaeskern

    Oh no...

    It was some script kiddie using his downloaded script.Stop encouraging them by calling hackers you idiots.
  9. People like you disgust me.Please take a .45 and shoot yourself.
  10. Jaeskern

    Hack Fest.

    This is going to kill this game.It's getting out of control.
  11. Because i like to jherk off to my character.
  12. Jaeskern

    Hack Fest.

    Well, you cant get an admin to ban the hacker since there is no way to tell him.Side chat is off.Global is off.Way to encourage hackers to hack anonimously eh?
  13. Jaeskern

    Helicopters are so fun!

    It's hacked.Helicopters doesn't exist anymore.
  14. Battleye is the worst hack protection system out there.And i have this weird sense about you are one of those hackers lol.
  15. Jaeskern

    Ten Reasons why Kill on Sight is 'Realistic'

    This guy speaks the truth.
  16. Yeah the game is perfect.There is no hackers in this game.Just because you were lucky.Fucking imbecile.
  17. Read the OP.You imbecile.
  18. Jaeskern

    Direct Channel not working

    They recently removed the global/side chat.Chatting in this game is non existent.
  19. i got killed 5 times cuz of hackers today.One he killed everyone in the server everyone just suddenly died.Second all cherno was on fire and surprise surprise.Everyone dead again.3 , 4 , 5 i could go on.And these things happened on DIFFERENT servers.Well tbh i had a good run before hackers.Time to move on to another game i guess.I just cant believe people are hacking in a MOD.A fucking mod.
  20. Luckily i didnt have any good loot.But what about ppl with ghillie suits,as50 and sniper rifles?
  21. Why in the earth such thing happened?Now there is no way to group up with strangers or simply chat in that matter.
  22. Jaeskern

    WTF Global/side chat removed?

    You know that you can mute people right?
  23. Thats why global/side chat got removed.It was immersion breaking right? So -Almost everyone killing each other on side doesnt affect immersion? -Being able to take 50 zed hits doesnt affect immersion? -Ladder climbing zeds doesnt break immersion right? -Being able to carry heli rotor, car engine and windglass doesnt ever break immersion right? -Sprinting for 1 hours without stopping also is okay with immersion hmm? I'd like those things get fixed.It breaks immersion.
  24. Jaeskern

    WTF Global/side chat removed?

    Your dad should have never bought you a computer *facepalm*
  25. Jaeskern

    WTF Global/side chat removed?

    Then everyone should start with one.Otherwise there would be too FEW players to chat with.