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About Centurion031

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  1. Centurion031


    Buy new CPU, the whole game drains so much CPU that it's insane. Graphics card doesn't really matter that much. Seen people play on ATI series 4k, and my friend is playing on 8800 nVidia.
  2. Centurion031


    Well first time playing on a server usually ends up loading for a long time. And updating like restarts everything server saved about players, so you have to "load from the start"
  3. Centurion031

    Remove Snipers / Military weapons

    Also remember, this is not CoD MW, or Battlefield, you cannot rush in like an idiot and go rambo mode and kill everyone. Patience is your friend... (i hate cod kids who just want to go solo everyone)
  4. Centurion031

    Remove Snipers / Military weapons

    To be fair, if they removed every military weapon you would end up with makarov and maybe small shotgun. That's why snipers like DMR and M107 are spawned only in military loots/helicrashes/NWAirfield. It's a part of game. Even in real life you would stumble across some kind of soldier that would have those kinds of weapons... It gives a good spin for a game, you always have to be on your toes, high reward vs. high risk...
  5. Centurion031

    Tent items disappearing

    tents not that hard, i've found them many times. But in this case no it's not robbed. Happened to me few days ago. Your gear disappeared when server restarted, also, your tent was placed to every place you tried (even if it was a failure) after a server restart.
  6. Centurion031

    Need L85A2 AWS and Ghillie, giving M4A1 CCO SD

    Terrible offer, You're asking for 2 rarest drops in the game for a M4A1 CCO SD and a tent. L85A2 AWS is worth like 2 or 3 M4A1 CCO SDs... I believe only thing more valuable than L85A2 is Dragunov...
  7. Are you giving M4 or are you asking for M4?
  8. You can reset your router and PUF you have a new IP
  9. Centurion031

    Old player with old

    So I've been in the wilds for last 2-3 weeks, living the life of the surviver, had 500 zombies with 0 KILLS and few bandits killed (had fn-fal, AS50, thermal vision gun, nv,... basically everthing (yes, in my camp)) So my friends and I found a van in the north, and i wanted to stick there just to guard it, so i went on the hill between 2 rocks. What happens? i break leggs and die... wtf, ok so i said guard my things but it sank so nvm. I decided to taste a bit of old glory and start scavenging, meeting new survivors. So i start from beginning, spawn in Komarovo (surprisingly with superhero skin or W/E). So happy start looting (forgot how hard it is to start without weapon), and get G17. I start running to balota, and i hear pretty close Lee Enfield missing 2 times, and me yelling Friendly. He shots me dead... Is it really worth killing a friendly for a 1 mag of G17?? I could shoot him since i saw him but i didn't want, i have full gear on north so i am not really in big mess (also thought the person will stop sniping when he heard i was friendly -> my hero skin), but where did this community go? I remember days when people could find friendlies everywhere...
  10. Centurion031

    Are tents ok now

    I don't think so, i tried today, it still wiped everything...
  11. Centurion031

    Two bandits get what they deserve (VIDEO)

    Interesting how "bandits that were shooting at your buss" had starter coyote backpack, and didn't have hatchets untill you told them... If it was arranged you suck, and if you just found some guys who just spawned you suck too...
  12. (i kno the resolution is ridiculous but it's the capture program not my resolution) http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg856/scaled.php?server=856&filename=arma2oa2012080520101959.png&res=landing
  13. Centurion031

    Can't play through daylight

    if you have a hatchet or something the best thing would be to go to man mode run into houses, loot it and kill them, hatchet is so strong on zombies=1hit=1kill. They walk inside the houses so you can escape them. Before you get hatchet just be careful
  14. Centurion031

    So can this not be played alone?

    That's just a bandit. That's the game. You'll see how disappointed you get when you are fully geared with assault rifles and coyote packs. This game rules on 1 rule: kill or be killed. I want to be friendly, but it's just not possible (unless you have a group). I suggest if you play solo game that you just go on the outskirts of the towns, never fully in it, run fast, loot fast, don't be on the same place longer than few minutes. My friend lasted this way for 26 days (which is pretty long time). When he started playing with us, he got killed the same HOUR!!!! Play on servers that don't have many players (the worst place to be is cherno (or elektro these days) and NW airfield). The best way to live is in a well organised group, so try to find one. HAVE FUN and remember, kill or be killed, you never know if the person is really friendly or just pretending...!