I would like to see some form of crafting implimented in the game and im sure people agree with me, basic things such as: Using Wood and Engine Parts to make a crude hatchet with limited hits. If you spawned at a place like Kamenka this would be handy since respawning has been disabled. Using Chemlights to tamper with the colors of Smoke Grenades? say you have a regular Smoke Grenade, craft it with a red Chemlight and obtain a red Smoke Grenade. Using various scrap metal parts (Engine Parts, Fuel Tank etc) to make bullets but with a crutch such as less damage or more inaccuracy. Before people say this is ridiculous just before the first world war the British Expiditionary Corps when in France the more experienced soldiers would jam a penny into the cartridge of their Lee-Enfield to obtain a seventh shot. Look it up before you question it. Using several bullets and Smoke Grenades to craft Frag Grenades. These are just suggestions and im aware these mostly would not work but with limited items in the game its still a good feature to up the survival feel and add realism to the game.