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About Spiritreader

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  1. Spiritreader

    Arma 2 oa has stopped working - crash to desktop: FIXED!!

    Well, this is another problem and is not related to battleye. I'd recommend if you bought the steam version run Verifying Game Cache Files (GCF) and if not deinstall the beta completely once again and reinstall afterwards following this guide by Rammfisch and me. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32290-arma-2-oa-has-stopped-working-crash-to-desktop-fixed/page__st__40
  2. Spiritreader

    Looking for some players for DayZ Squad

    Im back now and informed the members we are interested in via Messenger or Forum PN whilst i was away!
  3. Spiritreader

    Arma 2 oa has stopped working - crash to desktop: FIXED!!

    HI Guys. Just want to inform you that i was away for a week and can now try to help you again if you have issues related to this topic
  4. Spiritreader

    Arma 2 oa has stopped working - crash to desktop: FIXED!!

    Thank me, too, but especially say thanks to Rammfisch providing a solution which i simply complemented and extended. He was the one who made it possible to play again, i just did my part because i wanna help people! Have a nice day Spiritreader
  5. Spiritreader

    Looking for some players for DayZ Squad

    zachgibson, i added you via steam. CD1337 i pmed you for further details. Brent, im really sorry to say that you are a little bit to young, though you may have great experience ingame we take this requirement very serious due to some bad experiences. EDIT: For the member called Xolaris in Teamspeak. Please join back i was afk at this moment
  6. Spiritreader

    Arma 2 oa has stopped working - crash to desktop: FIXED!!

    The other steps are basically to make sure that BattlEye is properly installed (its very likely that sth messed up and then the AppData Battleye file updates wrong everytime you delete it) and Arma 2 works in it's as it is final patch state. I'm 95% sure that the file located in Appdata has something to do with the crashes since it's replaced everytime you join a server Well, im not but i used to script some batch files to make copy operations easier. To be honest, i really thought a little bit about using this that if someone has a problem at a certain step he knows what is wrong. And secondly, its caused due to a lack of synonyms :P Edit: But you fixed the "Arma 2 has stopped working" issue. The only issue you are having now is Battleye. I would recommend retrying Rammfischs guide with my "enhancements" to it. Just scroll up a little bit. With Reinstalling BattlEye completely i think you should get BattlEye working again
  7. Hello fellow Survivors out there. Some friends of mine who are pretty new to DayZ (2-4 Weeks experience) are looking for 2 or 3 more players joining our group. We got everything to theoretically (not deadly shot by bandit, bugs, Patches or broken legs due to zombies/bear traps) infinitely survive. These are: - Weapons with enough ammunition (Lee, AKs, and handguns) - Crossbow for animal and silent killing - Box of matches and hatchet for cooking ofc - Map, Compass and Watch - Food and Drinks (Water Bottles included) - Blood Bags for absolute emergencies (normally we kill an animal, cook and eat the meat afterwards to get blood in the wilderness Where we are: - Anywhere on the map, just contact us and we'll find a spot to meet What we are planning but not quite knowing how to do: - Camp - Finding Vehicles As you can see, we do not have that high requirements but a few we allow us to introduce: - Minimum of 2 Weeks expierence and knowing how to survive (more experienced would be absolutely great actually) - On Meetup not carrying weapons (we will find a spot where you are greatly spottable ,meet there and will shoot if you have/pull out a weapon of any kind , this is ONLY for safety issues, we will not harm you in any way if you do not attack us!.) - Microphone and Teamspeak 3 (Optional: Skype, Steam, Xfire) - Age of 16-24 on join date - Ability to express in an understandable way of English or German - Having fun playing the game - TIMEZONE: Around GMT +1 or playing whilst GMT +1 Time If you meet this requirements and want to join us, then i'll provide you contact data. Steam: earthstamper (Current Nickname: Spiritreader @ Ü MÅD BRØ / in case you cannot find my profile by entering the default name) Teamspeak IP: ts3-081.lan4play.de:11052 If you join our Teamspeak 3 server and i am not available, check back later. I mostly couldnt contact back the members that joined 1-2 times and were never seen again without leaving a reply to this topic or adding me in Steam. Thank you ^_^ What you need to do: PM me that i can contact you back! When you join on Teamspeak contact Spiritreader with a poke or write a message. When you add me in Steam i'll give you Teamspeak data (so you'll end up on TS anyways xD) Tell us your age and your skill level, we are still looking for a squad leader! If you join our Teamspeak and if I'm afk, check back later! Have a nice day / Goodnight
  8. Spiritreader

    Arma 2 oa has stopped working - crash to desktop: FIXED!!

    Oh yeah, forget to port this over from Rammfisch, thank you! Glad it worked for you
  9. Spiritreader

    Arma 2 oa has stopped working - crash to desktop: FIXED!!

    To assist Rammfisch a little bit while he'll sleep: First of all: Sorry that it took so long for me to respond, it took some time to write this all down! And please remember that it is a very long, but clearly structured post and if everything will work, you normally should be able to play DayZ again. (i do not guarantee anything though) I provide more possible solutions (this includes what I did to get working [remember that i sticked to Rammfisch very very closely!]) If you have any problems Read this first and read it entirely before doing anything. I can tell you in advance. it MAY not work. On the other hand it may work. So i would recommend trying it! ;) My suggestion is to start the procedure provided by Rammfisch again, but i will change it a little bit. You do the following steps: Quote by Rammfisch: - Go to your arma 2 oa folder > open Expansion > open BattlEye and run the uninstall.exe - Go to your arma 2 folder > open BattlEye and run the uninstall.exe (if it isn't there, don't worry about it) Even if you've deinstalled BattlEye, sometimes its still present in the system. Go to the control panel -> software and remove any BattlEye related entries (they start with battleye *cpt. obvious*) Right after that go ahead with this: Start the regular OA without beta (i got Arma 2 OA v1.60.8xxxx.) If this is the same you can go ahead. If not, make sure you have a full version patch not a beta patch! (for those who didn't know yet Version number is located at the bottom right of your screen if you are seeing the main menu) After this start the beta which does currently not work for you (without battleye of course because you did the steps posted in the code above) and try to join a server with battleye enabled which you are sure it has battleye enabled. You should be able to get in the lobby in some cases. Even if Rammfisch mentioned that you should not be able to get into a lobby it did not affect my result: being able to join into DayZ again. Then close it. Now continue with the following step: Quote by Rammfisch: - [...] go back into your arma 2 oa folder > Expansion and delete the beta. Install beta patch 94700 if you have 1.60.8xxxx and if 1.61.xxxxx is present find a version which includes a "on install" Battleye. Install BattlEye as soon as the installer for it pops up. If it doesnt, you've done something wrong i guess. If everything went fine, go ahead! Else if you get stuck, to be honest. I do not know what to do then... Recommending Arma 2 reinstall would be the first suggestion. After having battleye installed, go into OA Main folder -> extensions and COPY the battleye folder. Then PASTE it in the OA Main folder! Check again if its present at both locations. Then do this step: . Quote by Rammfisch: - Go into your arma 2 folder > go into BEsetup and run the .exe (If it isnt there you needn't to install it) Now start Arma 2 OA/CO (CO if you have Direct 3D error or sth like this) and join a server which does NOT have: - BattlEye enabled - Any mods (including DayZ) enabled To make sure that battleye is disabled, go to filter and set "battleye required" to NO. Then click on a server having a green icon and make sure it really does not have BattlEye enabled (its listed in the descriptions below the server browser. Btw it is not the crossed out BE icon which represents your filter settings, it is a text information) Some may refuse to be joined because of "Waiting for Host" or "Logging in" Just try to find another one with a green icon and join it until you find one. NORMALLY it now should work and you arma 2 OA/CO should not crash! (If so, i really would recommend reinstalling you arma 2 because its very likely that sth. is wrong with you entire game, not only with DayZ. [this is an assumption im making but i do not believe it is fixable then. Just reinstall entire Arma 2 and use SixLauncher to add DayZ ) Congratulations if it works! You are one step closer to a working DayZ. Install beta patch 94876 (if having 94700 installed no battleye message will show up). Now open this path (only for Win Vista/7) C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\BattlEye and delete the BattlEye.dll in it! So now there is only one thing to do Launch Arma 2 with DayZ (I did not test this though) or (this worked for me!!): Open Sixlauncher if you installed it and press update. After completing this you should be able to play DayZ again. A very nice day / nice evening to all you guys out there. Spiriteader
  10. Spiritreader

    Arma 2 oa has stopped working - crash to desktop: FIXED!!

    Hi Rammfisch! Thank you so much. It was THE solution working. I really thought i will get crazy because i didn't manage to get it working. Edit: If it isnt working for you (i got the steam version) Additional i think you have to remove a battleye file located in User\Appda\Local\Arma2\BattlEye I cannot really confirm it, but what i can confirm that the file i deleted was 100kb and the new one created after using Rammfisch's fix was 93kb. So if it does not work for you try it out (Sorry english is not my native language ^_^) Have a nice day! Spirtreader :D