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Everything posted by ScottishOwl

  1. I once logged into a server and had a exact copy of myself behind me, except he had the default face instead of my one. I could speak to him and everything. After shooting him I looted him and he had all the same gear as me, well hey, I ain't complaining. He had 2 more mags and plenty of the same food and drink I was carrying :)
  2. ScottishOwl

    Can I have this loot?

    So me and my friend are running in a field to get to our camp, when a hacker in a ghillie with a as50 spawns infront of us. Fearing for my gear I stand up, salute. And ask him what hes doing. We talk for a while, and then he spawns us a crate before he leaves. The crate was filled to the brim with loot like ghillies, NVGs and every gun/ammo in ARMA2. The question is, can I take this stuff? I'm pretty sure I can't take weapons that are not in Dayz like some of the machine guns etc. But the rest? (Btw, I ain't asking for some moral debate of whether I SHOULD take it, just if I CAN take it.)
  3. ScottishOwl

    Can I have this loot?

    Is it allowed to take the weapons that are not in dayz? Cause theirs some awesome shit like a golden revolver and Ak. Dayum
  4. ScottishOwl

    Global Ban ( Not a QQ Ban )

    Forgive me if I misunderstood but your saying you may have "Accidentally" hacked? Hmm.
  5. ScottishOwl

    Running Speed - Heroes faster then bandits

    Really? Cause there's only one person weeping right now, it's you. There's no sort of "care bearing" here. Dayz in it's current state is just a all out shoot fest. Everyone just blasts everyone else unless the're a member of their tight-nit teamspeak clan. Do you honestly think slightly faster run speed is going to change all this and make all those looting hoarding bandits turn into loving hippies who run around giving people free hugs in Cherno?
  6. The simple guide to do well in Dayz is. 1. Spawn, and arm yourself as quickly as possible (With a hatchet most likely, as they're easy to find) 2. Head into a big town like Cherno or Elektro. 3. Loot for food, drink, medical supplies and most importantly for new players, a map. 4. Use your map (Make sure your on a regular server so you can see yourself on the map) and head to the North West Airfield, or the town of Stary Sobor. 5. Find awesome loot like AK's, Snipers, Pistols, Grenades, Binoculars, Night Vison Goggles and Ghillie suits. 6. Befriend or destroy your fellow survivors!
  7. This has been happening over the past couple of days. Who isn't a bandit anymore? Apart from groups of friends using voice ip, friendships made ingame between complete strangers is now almost unheard of. I had a situation today in the elek supermarket, i was looting for food and drink with a broken leg, a crowbar and a makarov, when a man comes in with a lee enfield and a g17. I saw him first, and typed "Hey" in the chat, he turned round and noticed me and fired two rounds, i thought it was out of shock so I sayed "Im friendly don't shoot" and done a salute. He backed behind the supermarket door and what I thought was him firing out of shock and stopping, turned out just to be a empty mag, he reloaded his gun and began spraying at me and I was forced to shoot him. Whys everyone so hostile? Shooting on sight, is shite.
  8. ScottishOwl

    Block Off Private Servers*

    I dont think getting rid of these servers is a good idea, but I think pass-worded servers should have a separate character. This would stop the problems you mention but still allow people to have fun the way they want.
  9. ScottishOwl

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm on 1000 blood in the supermarket in berezino. Can anyone help?
  10. ScottishOwl

    Banditry exploded

    The answer of "Play the game how you want to" isn't applicable anymore. Because shooting people on sight is not the way I want to play the game, but if I don't play it that way, I die.
  11. ScottishOwl

    Why does everyone want me dead?

    It doesn't take understanding english to know that a salute means I don't plan on shooting you :P
  12. ScottishOwl

    Why does everyone want me dead?

    Thanks for all the responses, but honestly. Adopting KOS myself is not something I want to do. The game turns more into a deathmatch than actual interaction.
  13. ScottishOwl

    Why does everyone want me dead?

    Yeah, but because you've been shot on sight and you start, people who you shoot on sight will start to shoot on sight. and people they shoot on sight will...Yeah you get the idea.
  14. ScottishOwl

    I fell 4 metres and died

    I've started avoiding ladders and rooftops like the plague. I've died one from going prone on a curb and twice from closing a farm gate on myself.