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Everything posted by a.l.theel@gmail.com

  1. a.l.theel@gmail.com

    Game unplayable due to hacking

    I already lost the will. I'm not wasting my time playing a game that others can so easily ruin. It's sad, we request all these features for games. The features get made, but other issues completely vex the features until it's the very feature that seems to be the source of the problem. DayZ's Food Chain: Hacker Greifer Bandit Occasional Murderer New Player Helpful Player What a model to build a community on.
  2. a.l.theel@gmail.com

    Random event possibilties/feedback.

    I've got some ideas for random events. The idea of events is to bring players together for "epic" battles or intense situations. Events should not be a easy place for new players to go and "gear" up. Events should be end-game, meaning for geared players to attempt. I'm not huge on the idea of AI other than zombies, simply because Arma2 AI is very hard to work with and it doesn't act very realistic when it comes down to it. However I think the rewards of having such AI par take in events would bring more benefit to DayZ's end-game than not. Any armed AI should be hostile and loot-able. Here are some main-points about events. 1) First obviously for game-play reasons, the more rewarding the event, the more dangerous and chaotic the event should be. 2) There should be different types of events. Spanning from a civilian running from zombies to a military insertion attempting to setup a secured sector. 3) The word 'event' assumes a rare occurrence. Meaning it's not something you're gonna see every time you play DayZ, even 4 hours of straight game-play. 4) Some events, mostly the higher rewarding ones, can be announced to players via hint messages. Example: "A para-military outpost has been spotted near Gvozdno" 5) Events don't need to "occur" before they are announced. Example: "A military supply drop is scheduled to arrive at Berezino in 3 hours" 6) These hint messages will only appear to someone who has a radio. 7) Some events might even be marked on the map via Map Marker. 8) Scientists can give rewards for zombie kills and/or specimens. 9) Along with the events, special zombie spawns or groups should roam outside the normal roaming areas. What are the rewards for events? AKA why take the risk? Really it's more about the experience, groups will know they'll encounter others at. And regardless of other players, they'll be in contact with hostile military forces. However some new items only receivable by these events would be nice. New Items: Radio (Primary way to get a radio is by looting military AI) Military Med-kit (Can act as Morphine, Epi-pen, Painkillers, Bandage, or Antibiotics with up to 5 uses and only takes 1 inventory slot) - Drops by AI Combat Medic Military Uniform (Light, Medium, Heavy) - These uniforms are actually armor plated and give armor benefits however effect gear size and/or stamina. Event Idea List: - Paramilitary activities. Including securing area, especially air fields. - Vehicle activity. Civi driving a vehicle around. "A vehicle was spotted near Zelenogorsk" - Saving a civilian. After saving the civilian they might tell you some news of a larger event. Example: "Did you hear about the scientists at Rogovo? They are attempting to find a cure for all this" - Scientist research facility. Scientists are unarmed and killing them counts as a murder. The scientists are attempting to discover a cure or a way to stop the spread of more zombies. Help them by killing zombies and/or bringing specimens to them? The reward shouldn't be gear related, but no systems are in place to allow for such a reward. One would need to be created. My guess is humanity points or something along those lines. - Ability to escape. A AI controlled helicopter picks up players. A player that boards the helicopter and is flown off the island is "killed" however it adds 1 to the global escaped counter. With enough escaped counters there could be a promise of another DayZ island available to players/servers. These would be extremely rare and yes it could be used for hijacking instead. (non weapons helicopter) I'm sure there are many more encounters people could think of. The challenge would be coding them to be random and not buggy. As for the humanity idea. I think it'd be something along the lines of trading in zombie kills for humanity points. These points would save after death, however 1 murder would remove all the points. The more humanity points you have the more likely you'll spawn with better gear, weapons, etc. <- If that is too care-bear, instead have the scientist give something on the spot.