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Everything posted by Maggolos

  1. Maggolos

    Addon Issue /Serial Number

    Hey you must start Arma 2 Combined Operations ! Left klick on Arma 2 OP in Steam then klick at lunch arma 2 Combined... mfg
  2. Maggolos

    Again a Prob

    When iam close to going in the game, the game minimize and exit itself. Iam despair !
  3. Maggolos

    Again a Prob

  4. Hey Guys, When iam Joining a Server and the third loadscreens comes it stucks there. Description of the Loadingbar: all black around and then there stands loading (In the mid). I think the bar from loading is full but nothing happend. I waited for 1 1/2 hours ! Can somebody help me
  5. Maggolos

    DayZ Stucks during Loading

    Now when it´s finish with loading there stands: Arma 2.....works not any more :( Can u maybe help me with teamviewer ? mfg ?