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Everything posted by jokernthief

  1. jokernthief

    Graphical Issues

    Sure... an alpha mod, which is not playable!
  2. jokernthief

    Graphical Issues

    Oh hell... PLEASE DUDES, FIX THAT!!!
  3. jokernthief

    What do we call our undead friends?

    Me and my dude use Zulus for zombies and Tangos for players. :D
  4. jokernthief

    DayZ Update 1.5.4

    Oh okay... sorry for the wrong intel! ^^
  5. jokernthief

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only. Studio. Kickstarter - yes. Looking forward to a Arma3 DLC or sth like that... :>
  6. jokernthief

    DayZ Update 1.5.4

    Not all of them need to be repaired... found a pretty wrecky boat, but the only repairable thing was the engine and this one was fine... :D
  7. jokernthief

    DayZ Memes

    As a german dude it isn't that funny, because I understand what they are really talking about! ^^
  8. jokernthief

    Weird Map Markings

    OOOOORRRRR, that markings were placed out of fun, or to lead some idiots towards the place where th snipers are looking at... I usually place such markers too. Last time I found a boat and somewhen the fuel was too low and I left it behind. But I placed a marker (boat low fuel) or sth like that for other to check...
  9. jokernthief

    How I Got Direct Chat Working

    I always change channels and I think it sometimes works and sometimes not. Last time I tried with my buddies and all of us could use it correctly!
  10. jokernthief

    Crossbow sight

    Totally agree with that. An ACOG scope would be awesome!!! And give it the option to adjust the distance. I also think, the actual crossbow is a bit to weak. Give it more damage. I need 2 bolts for a Zulu, because of the bad aiming!
  11. jokernthief

    Bolts : 3 or 5 in 1 slot

    Good idea... i think that would make the crossbow more often useable! I don't know if it is offtopic, but I would also prefer the crossbow a little bit stronger. Last time I used it, I needed about 2 bolts for a Zulu... Where is the sense of it, when you can only carry up to 3 bolts (if you want to carry some other things)?! Additionally the crossbow has it's horrible aiming characteristics, so it would make sense to increase the damage it takes.
  12. jokernthief

    Warped to Debug Area: 'Wilderness'

    I got a likely problem. I played a while without problem and then I suddenly got a "Requesting charakter data from server" screen. I heard myself moving, I could switch to prone, but I had a black screen with that message on it. I logged off and later my mate found my body laying on the ground, but still alive. I was not connected by that time. He shot the body and the log says "jokernthief was killed". My last position was ZUB castle. Today I tried to log in to look if I maybe spawn at ZUB again. But I spawned in the "wilderness". But it is a lot more wet as the other described it... ^^ I swim in the sea, in a distance over about 1000 m from the coast. Plenty of PMC puppies around me, no items. Got this issue for the 2nd time. Last time I needed several tries to respawn correctly. I died, my sight went to the sky, but no "You are dead" screen appeared. I tried to connect with 3 servers up to now (DE2, DE3 and EU1). The same problem on all of them... now I will try to respawn and I hope it won't happen again. It is pretty annoying to get a black screen while playing... :/
  13. jokernthief

    ARMA 2: DayZ Mod Survival

    I guess, it was hard for Weegeeh not to kill you, because of throwing all that flares. Dude, this flares are magnets for other players. When I see a flare I will always head towards it to investigate, if there is a careless player with cool stuff. I don't play with any light in the nights... pull up your video setting or just leave it, but it is very dangerous to use flares in urban areas! just my 2 cents Keep on playing, it is really intersting to watch others play, as mentioned already.
  14. jokernthief

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Yeah, scrap 'em. I guess for the future it would be nice to have the possibility to change your player model! P.s. don't have the permission to vote?!? Oo
  15. jokernthief

    How I feel upon respawning after dying.

    But he's right... all starts with orientating and running into the woods... When I know where I am, I start running north or north-east to get out of this hell. Then I maybe go to loot some barns. But leaving the beaches behind is essentially! -.-
  16. jokernthief

    ARMA 2: DayZ Mod Survival

    Your video is cool, but buddy, you have to be more sneaky. You always ran in a "standing" position, so the Zulus can recognize you pretty fast. Also other players does...
  17. jokernthief

    So how do tents work exactly now?

    Another question is: why the hell cant I place a tent in the woods? I always need a glade or sth, but I cant place it somewhere in the middle of a forrest, anyway if there is enough space or not...
  18. jokernthief

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Do not think... pull the trigger, Phace! (in kinda those situations) I want to mention sth else... everywhere is everyone complanining about bad stuff and so on. As long as I play (for a week or so) I met more friendly people than dumbasses. Really, and even when there is just acceptance, it gives the game a smooth touch. I started and ran into a group of 3. They took me with em and it changed my view on video games. It was that fantastic. Later I met other groups, sure we raped around too, just to test it. (but guys, really, my finger gets tensed, when I see a dude running around, with a flare in the night... -.-) But the thing is, I recognized many good guys out there. Never been backstabbed, killed for no reason or sth like that. Lucky me, I know. But think of all those people playing this game not just for the counter! ;) Oh, and when I recognize, that there are just the same 5 to 6 people chatting on side, but there are 50 people on the server, then I do not think about running to anyone to team up... ;)
  19. jokernthief

    Logging off to avoid death

    +1 Really good idea! Push it!!! :)
  20. jokernthief

    DayZ Update 1.5

    Nice work. I can confirm that Zulus are quite easy to distract now... I also think they are spawning or walking further outside of towns as before. Can't explain, but I think it is much scarier now! ^^
  21. I guess they're working on it... Imo tents really should stay with the char, no matter what server you're on. Otherwise i don't understand their meaning. It rather would change the meanings of groups and HQs... Another problem, I think, is the placement. I never solved to place a tent in the woods. You always need a free place, with no trees and so on. I understand, that it isn't possible to place them directly within trees or bushes. But in the woods it should be possible imho. I don't feel save with saving my gear in an open area. I want to know it save, hidden somewhere... ;)
  22. jokernthief

    DayZ Update 1.4.11

    It is tested only on NY1. Was on it... worked pretty well. Got my char back and everything. Could even make a fire for cooking... the increasing-hunger-over-night-issue is still a problem, I guess!
  23. jokernthief

    Load problems be gone! (Soonish)

    Nice work dudes... keep on rolling! :D