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About Admiral_Blunts

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Admiral_Blunts

    Public Chernarus servers. wtf.

    Thanks for the replies guys, I just wanted to give him an experience that brought many of us to absolutely love this game. I will check out some of those servers, but I think NonovUrbizniz ( I only understood that once I typed it) has it right when he says that the devs have basically sworn off and are trying to kill the public hive in anticipation of the SA, and also the fact that they, imo, don't have the time with developing a game to focus their energy on a mod that is at the end of its lifecycle.
  2. Seriously, wtf happened to them? I have been playing with a buddy who recently began playing Day-Z, just over a month, whereas I have been playing since about last July/August. My first experiences in this game are in chernarus on public hives, great memories. In the two times I have tried to bring him into public hives, we have literally just spawned in with less than 15 minutes of playtime before someone comes in and lets his scripts run wild. Once was the second time he had played( a SK just kept TP to us and griefing us by breaking our legs, he almost swore the game off completely that day), the other time was yesterday after he had a decent amount of experience on other maps on private hives. ( Just a straight up kill the entire server command) So I guess, I have a question for those of you who frequent the public hive, are they even worth playing on anymore until the SA, or are we just having terrible luck, because I would really love to show him what began my love for Day-Z as well as many others.
  3. Admiral_Blunts

    Godmode Hack or Just Terrible Shooting?

    I definitely prefer veteran, but I play with a swede and someone on the west US, myself being on the east US, so we take what we can get when we can find a server where we are all under 100 ping. Your right when you said I was being too aggressive and should of hid and been patient, been playing too much battlefield lately I suppose.
  4. Admiral_Blunts

    Godmode Hack or Just Terrible Shooting?

    Thats the thing, my buddy swore he hit him right before that, and I never saw any blood and he had blood sucker aggro which as far as I know doesn't go away until you die or it dies.
  5. Video starts right after I had been shot unexpectedly, with a bloodsucker on my squadmates tail and a bandit lying in wait. I honestly thought I hit him(so did my squadmate), but maybe someone with a bit more knowledge could either tell me what I did wrong or should of done differently. Thanks NOCHEATS for pointing this out... this player had to have gone invisible, @ 3:43 you can see a muzzle flash and smoke from the end of a gun, but no player or weapon to go with it, and it changes direction with me as I turn and back away, also the bloodsucker that you could see at the end appears almost directly behind going after the hacker.
  6. Admiral_Blunts

    Squad Wipe with a .44

    All I can think of while playing origins is macklemores thrift shop, literally looks like I am wearing someone's grandfathers hand-me-downs
  7. Admiral_Blunts

    Squad Wipe with a .44

    Well thanks for making me feel like an idiot, changed the youtube title, but this forum post will forever live on. The funny thing is I have called it a .44 since I started playing last year and it never occurred to me that converting .44 to .45 1911 just makes absolutely no sense.
  8. Admiral_Blunts

    Squad Wipe with a .44

    Normally I just post vid's on youtube for my mates who I play with to see ourselves look and sound like idiots but I just felt too badass to not share this with others. Don't trash it too bad.
  9. Admiral_Blunts

    Problem with .50 calibers

    1) You should need hearing protection if you don't want to destroy your eardrums. 2) You should not be able to fire more than 3 rounds standing. If a 12 gauge will destroy my shoulder after 20 rounds I could only imagine what a .50 would do after putting that many rounds downrange. 3) I am a navy vet with a reasonable understanding of firearms, but if you put a .50 cal in front of me and told me to clean and zero it, I would try but it would be messy and extremely time consuming if I was even able to deconstruct and put it back together. It would be like a layman giving stitches, it might work but it would be very ugly, gruesome and more likely than not would cause more issues than help. Ideas for balancing: Make it deployable, if you try to fire too many shots standing, muscle fatigue should make it near impossible to hit anything after the second or third round. Increase audible range for ZEDS (easy fix, discussed many times) Add a earplug spawn, if you don't have any and decide to fire a .50 too often, you run the chance of making your character deaf until death. Make .50 magazines the rarest item in the game, you would still be able to use it by chambering each individual round, but it would be time consuming and give ample time to your victim if you miss with your first shot. With weapon degradation being added, and if the .50's make it into the standalone, they should be the most time consuming to clean and service, possibly something extreme as 5 minutes to emphasize that this is a OHK kill weapon not a weapon that should be spammed, In essence make every shot count otherwise you will be sitting there for long periods servicing your rifle. Just my thoughts on balancing the .50 which IMHO is slightly imbalanced and is currently the "EASY MODE" weapon of this game. Keep an open mind and share your thoughts on why the .50 is balanced or what you would do to balance them, or possibly if you lean to the side or removing them altogether.
  10. Admiral_Blunts

    Did you get a FPS boost from the latest update?

    yes absolutely, normally running 60-70 wild, 40-50 in cities. Now in the wild it is 90-110, and in cities 60-70. It was running amazingly last night.
  11. Admiral_Blunts

    With this last update...Is Day Z... dead?

    If you die from a legitimate player there are two options of why that happened. 1) You are bad at the game. 2) the other player is better. And as you were saying OP that the bandit missed a lot of shots this situation, seems like a bad player killed an even worse player. You let your guard down and payed for it. Simple as that. And BTW of course these changes would piss you off, they are specifically designed to not allow players like you to combat or zombie log.
  12. Admiral_Blunts

    Need a nighttime buddy

    Just looking for a buddy that plays at night (IRL) I am on eastern time. Mainly looking for another guy that can watch my back and I can watch his/hers that plays nights. I am no bandit, but I love killing bandits that kill players. Let me know, email [email protected] or skype: Admiral_Blunts
  13. Admiral_Blunts

    Airfield full of fire & Humerous videos!

    pretty funny on the first one mate, bad luck all around.
  14. Admiral_Blunts

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    still periodically getting stuck on load screen, only one certain servers, and retrying to join will sometimes allow me to get in that server.
  15. Admiral_Blunts

    Looking for a survivor to play with

    You gonna be on anytime soon, pretty similar to stuff I am looking at doing, skype admiral_blunts