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FlyingDutchman (DayZ)

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Everything posted by FlyingDutchman (DayZ)

  1. FlyingDutchman (DayZ)

    DayZ: Most Private Hives Are Not Real DayZ

    I know exactly what you mean mate, I find it impossible to find a proper server, just original DayZ where surviving was a challenge, and finding a vehicle a fuckin' miracle. If ye want to play with some like-minded fellas you can add me on Skype, MrPixelMonster. Maybe you know a good server, cause I don't
  2. FlyingDutchman (DayZ)

    This BRILLIANT server needs lovin'!

    Sup guys! Me and my buddy are playing on this really good PH Taviana server, but it's waaay too fuckin empty! So if ye want come and have fun! Search for [bSB]
  3. FlyingDutchman (DayZ)

    GOOD survival server

    Hello everyone I am sure I am not just speaking for my self when I say that I am getting sick and tired of all the ''24/7daylight-starting gear-max vehicles'' bullshit servers. So my question is if anyone knows a good European server wich focuses more on the survial, either on Panthera, Namalsk or Chernarus. All these new servers are doing my head in!
  4. FlyingDutchman (DayZ)

    GOOD survival server

    Checked it out just now, 0 players and a ping of 170... still thanks for helpin me!
  5. FlyingDutchman (DayZ)

    GOOD survival server

    Interesting! :3
  6. FlyingDutchman (DayZ)

    GOOD survival server

    Will check that one out, though I like 3d person, you might say it's unrealistic, but the fact is, your real field of few is bigger than the field of few you have in 1st person. Thanks for telling me though!
  7. Hi guys, I am searching for a good private hive server, not one with 80+ cars, but one with side chat and no OP weapons. I have recently watched a video of Sacriel42 who was on a server like this, and it looked real good, does anyone know a server like this? A good, balanced server?
  8. FlyingDutchman (DayZ)

    looking for mature over 18 uk players to join my clan

    Buddy, first of all, DekZ is 25 mate, second of all, I have been with this group/clan from the very start, and they/we have never stabbed anyone in the back, we're just some guys that fuck around and have fun, I honestly do not know what you're trying to do, unless trolling, or maybe you got killed by one of us and you're just butthurt. Anyway, have a good day lad.