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Everything posted by Chimbley

  1. A: Chimbley B: Low blood C: In Cherno, On top of the hospital near the medical tents D: Wearing a Ghilie Suit with a M4A1 CCO Steam Chimbley Sweep
  2. Chimbley

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm Currently in Cherno, in need of a blood tranfusion, PM me if you are willing to assist me
  3. I need medical assistance with a blood transfusion, Currently in Cherno.
  4. I have a tent that's taking to much space in my inventory
  5. Chimbley

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Is anyone near/in cherno, I still need that blood transfusion
  6. Chimbley

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Is there any medics stationed in Cherno? I need a blood transfusion, But I don't have any allies to do so, And i'm still kinda new to these forums