everytime i meet other players they always try to kill me by shooting first and asking no questions. they dont even say "friendly" and betray me afterwards, is either them or me dying, never a decent conversation or teaming up which i would like very much the unarmed kind annoys me too, running away all the time and not giving me a single chance to help them with spare equipment. after i chase them for a while some say insulting things to me or worse beg me to not rape their ass. what the hell? im not gay maybe my way of approaching them is wrong. my friend told me shouting "hello my name is rocknrolla, im fucking friendly. I SEE YOU! dont shoot, im from austria" just wont do it what do you think? should I stop trying to be nice and starting to kill fucking everything and everyone on sight like the others always do? but wouldn't that become boring fast? any suggestions?