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Everything posted by jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

  1. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    When will we see the sun?

    I live in the UK. (It's 01:47) The UK Based Servers are currently as follows (I think) MPGS - Day Vilayer - Night Gameservers - Night So I'm guessing Vil and Gam are at UK time.
  2. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    RULE 1- Don't get attached to your gear

    Rule No.2 - There is ALWAYS someone else No.3 - NEVER land the helicopter Any more?
  3. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    progressive replenishment

    Just wait until loot respawn and zombie respawn is on. Please.
  4. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    Suggestion: Lower the food/water consuming rate

    No. You eat a tin of spaghetti only, then go for a run and see if your still hungry afterwards. You will be.
  5. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    every server is dark

    The problem will come when people jump onto empty night servers to find gear to go on day servers to kill people.
  6. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    need help never played

    Best way is to find some peeps in game. Be friendly though! Mwahahaha.
  7. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    Military areas

    Do you want to know what happens in the film before you see it?
  8. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    Game needs to be more fun than fake realism

    1) That's your opinion, an apocalypse isn't meant to be fun. 2) Just eat, drink and look after yourself. 3) Alpha 4) Loot is too common. Alpha. Balancing to be done.
  9. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    113772, thirst still not fixed

    And maybe other foods make you dehydrated. Maybe fizzy drinks do. Go experiment, stop looking for answers on forums. You wouldn't look for the plot of a film before you see it.
  10. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    How long till the first big content update?

    I think it's a bit premature to be thinking about major content updates yet.
  11. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    How do i open canned food

    Hint : Find a can opener.
  12. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    How long till the first big content update?

  13. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    Vehicle (bicycle)

    Rome wasn't built in a day. GIVE TIME
  14. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    Spawned in Stary Sobor after death

    Mate had this yesterday. We were astonished it wasn't fixed... don't know whether bug or feature?
  15. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    113772, thirst still not fixed

    They will fix it/things when they can. What do you want 24 hour tech support ffs?
  16. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    Not having any fun !!

    welcome to the jun...apocalypse
  17. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    Private Servers - Explanation

    Please forgive my lack of understanding, but I'm hoping this thread will go some way to making things clearer for those who are confused like myself. I see certain 'private hives', 'private servers', cropping up on the in-game server list in Standalone. How did they come about? I mean less that 24 hours after what was supposed to be only public servers. Are these legit? Are they authorised by Rocket + Co? If so, why? What powers do they have over server stuff(settings, spawns?) Will they differ from the public hives? What happens when the number of private servers reaches 100's? What happens when people start moving from public to private servers? Will they turn out like the mod did splitting the population onto different server's with different settings? I know it is early dayz but there seems to be a lot of control happy folk out there. I don't want this thread to be a flame war, so don't make it one. It's for answers not opinions.
  18. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    So whats gonna happen with the night cycle?

    I think anything other than a 24 hour day night cycle ruins the immersion and quality. And if you change servers timezone around then people will server hop to the day servers.
  19. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    Temporary solution to lack of HUD info

    To me it just seems to be a case of going back to the Icons (albeit different ones). Icons are too 'gamey'. I think the issue is players don't know if a can of soda will solve the thirst issue. Should it? Does soda hydrate you - maybe short term? Water does, but does dirty water? If you become ill, is it because of the dirty water, or is it because of too much soda? Maybe a message like: I think I had too much fizzy drink. Also there is no indication of how much food or drink you need. Anyway, love the game so far Rocket. p.s Don't let the tears affect the team - keep the day/night as it is, keep the servers public, keep it hard.
  20. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    my eyes bleed

    All I have read so far is tears tears and more fucking tears
  21. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    mydayz.de is back.

    Hi all, thought I'd just drop this into here seeing as there might be people unaware that the greatest vanilla private hive is back. I know there are a lot of folks looking for servers like this. Good day all.
  22. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    December Round-up: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA

    give habbenings
  23. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    November Round-up

    ITS HABBENING Or Ivan just got hacked.
  24. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    November Round-up

    Inb4 habbenings