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  1. Let me provide another example. Player A is in the barracks, in the corridor, about to leave. Player B is outside the front door, to one side, and is facing the front wall, manipulating the camera so he can see inside. Player A cannot do that to look outside because he is inside a building. In first person player B would have to go into the doorway to see, or lean.
  2. How many more times am I going to read 'everyone can exploit it' so it's ok. Are you guys that stupid? If player A is on the ground and player B is on an apartment roof laid prone, and they are both in 3rd person, how is it fair that one can see the other without even getting up?? If player A is behind a wall, and player B is on the airfield for e.g, player A can periscope over and see him, whilst B cannot see him at all. In first person both times A would have to expose himself to look. That's a level playing field.
  3. And your standards must be even lower to enjoy looking over walls and periscoping off the top of buildings and around every corner of every building. Thing is your problems with 1st person are based on opinion. And our problems with 3rd person are based on fact.
  4. Why did they remove the as50 then, why not make that a server side option? If they can force that, they should force 1st person. Yet to hear a fact about why it is better than 1st. All I hear are cries of 'I want to see my character' 'I get sick'
  5. Having separate servers doesn't solve the flaws of 3dp. Even on 3dp only servers, it isn't fair game. It's a one sided advantage. Man on roof sees man on ground, man on ground can't see man on roof.
  6. Point is, even on 3dp only servers, it still isn't a level playing field.
  7. Why should the majority of servers be an easier version of a game that is meant to be hardcore? For bs reasons such as 'I want to see my character' and 'I get sick'. I don't even think 1st person is hardcore, it's normal.
  8. To argue the point about the 3dp camera being fair because 'everyone can use it'.... If somebody is prone on an apartment building he can see a guy on the ground and that guy has no idea he is up there, even with 3rd person. So it isn't fair. If that situation was in 1st person, neither could see each other, the guy on the roof would have to get up and therefore be visible. Just like if player a is behind a wall he can see anyone across the airfield for example without that person being able to see them, even with 3dp. It is only if two players are up tight against either side of the wall that it is fair, and that doesn't happen. So please, stop saying it's fair, it isn't.
  9. jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk

    End game?

    There shouldn't be an endgame.
  10. Talking of them, why did they remove the as50's, why not just make them a server option?? Choice anyone?? Bullshit. If they can forcibly remove them, they can forcibly remove 3rd person.
  11. We aren't asking for 100% realism. We're giving good factual reasons why 3dp shouldn't be in the game. I am still yet to hear a valid fact that suggests 3rd person is better than 1st person. First person is no more boring than third person is. How is it boring as hell? That's a matter of opinion. You also put it in a way that suggests you've never played it. Just because you think it might be 'nice to have' is not a valid reason for keeping 3dp and it's unfair advantages as you say. Having as50's might be 'nice to have' as well...
  12. 'We want to encourage a hardcore mode' - I wonder why?
  13. People do not buy the game for the use of first person - stop kidding yourself.