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Luigi (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Luigi (DayZ)

  1. Umm Safe wouldn't be a term i would use you can store gear in tents and vehicles but they can be found by other players. And as of late there have been a lot of hackers going around using map hacks or spawning in helicopters to find out where people's camps are

  2. Satchel Charges are in the Game but the server wide wipe of Gear is what we are talking about (Though i bet he probably did add the satchel charges in)

    Another Video of Matt the Bandit on Another Server getting killed looks like the same gear again M14 on his back and the people that killed him made a comment of Alot of M107 Ammo on him like the 6 Clips we found on him when we killed him

    http://www.twitch.tv/roflcoptorgaming/b/323681799 (From Atlanta 53 Nuked Thread)

  3. I believe the locking the servers refers to locking it to only certain people (aka private server) as this is the not the case as anyone can access it when it opens and its not password protected as you stated earlier.

    Honestly its just ridiculous to the point of you trying to twist everything to as something is being done wrong when clearly it is not.

  4. Sorry it took so long to post' date=' but here is their camp after the "reboot". You can see in the top left hand corner a dead body (BrandonL).


    I don't see a body myself but meh honestly this whole thread seems like a bigfoot hunt lol looking for something that doesn't exist. To sum this thread up all i have to say is this.


  5. The Logs show ip addresses want your ip address showing up for everyone to see? i don't myself but that's just me. Its more a privacy thing its public if you know the link but the link is for "admins only". As for your saying he disconnected to avoid death the screen shot shows nothing really just a generic disconnect. i could SS you disconnecting and say you were doing it to avoid a death. So theres nothing valid there anyone could take that Screen shot and say "oh i had them close to death they disconnected to avoid death." My Advice go for a headshot or pop them twice its not that hard

    P.S. Gaius doesn't like me

  6. Like stated before the tents going down is not caused by the admins and also if you looked at the logs there was a warning which corresponded with the time maybe you should look at the chat more often. Even if you didn't see the warning others did its not like it wasn't visible to you. Now Explicit behavior on a server now that's another story (btw im guessing you the one that changed your name to [AG-84] YouMadBro and was spamming the server today


    Good stuff starts around 16:31:09 im pretty sure YouMadBro is wutno just based on some stuff he says.

    17:08:44 : (Side) [AG-84] YouMaDbRO: your resting so items do

    17:08:48 : (Side) [AG-84] YouMaDbRO: your fuckn cheating admin

    17:09:04 : (Side) [AG-84] YouMaDbRO: they are at the af

    17:09:17 : (Side) [AG-84] YouMaDbRO: ur resting so tiems do

    17:09:23 : (Side) [AG-84] YouMaDbRO: and u can reloot

    17:09:38 : (Side) Terd Ferguson: screenshot it or no proof

    17:09:45 : (Side) [AG-84] YouMaDbRO: cheating

    17:09:51 : (Side) [AG-84] YouMaDbRO: ADMIN IS ABUSING

    17:09:52 : (Side) Patrik: screenshot what?

    17:09:53 : (Side) [AG-84] YouMaDbRO: ABUSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


  7. I see nothing from these screenshots really besides a server going down twice by no message received (a common occurrence as of late something to due with vehicle damage being saved) other than that you say you alone got kicked back to the lobby but it shows everyone back in the lobby. As for the cars and tents disappearing there is no proof of it (though this has been a common problem too across servers) Honestly i think your just raging saying that "an admin killed the server because i was in a boat." Which is clearly not the case based on these screenshots. In my experience generally before the server goes down the desync link will come up quite a few times. Usually its a good idea to park and save your vehicle then (especially boats)

  8. Dallas 1 Auto Locks roughly every 5 mins (To Prevent Spam Connects) if you were kicked there's usually a reason like spamming VOIP or Racist Comments other than that if you afk in the lobby it kicks you also after roughly 5 mins
