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Luigi (DayZ)

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About Luigi (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Luigi (DayZ)

    Famous Last Words

    http://youtu.be/HldecPSqEA0 Lets Just say watch what you say because you never know whats around the next corner
  2. Kindy Dodgy that he has an M107 with 1 Zombie kill but meh
  3. Luigi (DayZ)


    Umm Safe wouldn't be a term i would use you can store gear in tents and vehicles but they can be found by other players. And as of late there have been a lot of hackers going around using map hacks or spawning in helicopters to find out where people's camps are
  4. Luigi (DayZ)

    Are tanks legit?

    Hacked in ...
  5. Satchel Charges are in the Game but the server wide wipe of Gear is what we are talking about (Though i bet he probably did add the satchel charges in) Another Video of Matt the Bandit on Another Server getting killed looks like the same gear again M14 on his back and the people that killed him made a comment of Alot of M107 Ammo on him like the 6 Clips we found on him when we killed him http://www.twitch.tv/roflcoptorgaming/b/323681799 (From Atlanta 53 Nuked Thread)
  6. Honestly This guy deserves a global ban with this much proof (Video Is Crappy i know ill upload the High Quality one while i sleep tonight) Hes gotten to the point where he's just taunting people on the Forums even saying Beep Beep Im a Jeep in this thread where the same case happened http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=27596 Help Me Vipeax your my only hope :p
  7. Well this video doesn't show much of anything it doesn't even show the name of the person your shooting at so how do you even know who it was? Only thing i see is a bad shot with a lee enfield.
  8. This is more of a hacker's doing than an admin the only real abilities the admins have is to kick/ban players and to restart servers.
  9. Luigi (DayZ)

    Admin abuse on Dallas 1

    Probly because you still have AG in your name http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ [NOT AG-1] wutno
  10. Luigi (DayZ)

    Admin abuse on Dallas 1

    I believe the locking the servers refers to locking it to only certain people (aka private server) as this is the not the case as anyone can access it when it opens and its not password protected as you stated earlier. Honestly its just ridiculous to the point of you trying to twist everything to as something is being done wrong when clearly it is not.
  11. Luigi (DayZ)

    Admin abuse on Dallas 1

    Honestly WutNo your just harrassing and spamming the server at this point as i can tell by the chat
  12. Luigi (DayZ)

    Admin abuse on Dallas 1

    Umm you know how people spam connect to join the server and how the log gets filled with So and So Connected So and So Uses Modified Data File So and So Disconnected It Prevents that flooding ...
  13. Luigi (DayZ)

    Admin abuse on Dallas 1

    The Server has no password and if you read it auto locks about every 5 mins and then unlocks about 5 mins later to prevent Flooding.
  14. Luigi (DayZ)

    Admin abuse on Dallas 1

    I don't see a body myself but meh honestly this whole thread seems like a bigfoot hunt lol looking for something that doesn't exist. To sum this thread up all i have to say is this.
  15. Luigi (DayZ)

    Admin abuse on Dallas 1

    Of course every time the server crashes its an admin messing with you! Or it could be that problem rocket posted about vehicle damage causing lag and the server crashes