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About PrOxAnto

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. PrOxAnto

    US 1046 clan members hacking

    Lol @ redemptionse. I've been playing for quite some time on this server, and allthough I have been killed numerous times, never by a hacker ( or felt like it was a hacker ) And I know by facts that you can get yourself a gun pretty fast if you've just respawned. And how do you even know this Lenya guy shot you at Stary, maybe it was another person playing on the server?
  2. PrOxAnto

    .:]MM[:. Clan recruiting!

    Terrible members? Was just in a game server called: DayZ - Lu182 With 2 members of this MM team: - Hagar (admin) - Pirat After bandit killing me, he (the admin) quickly decided to kick me every time I came back online, or close to my old body. Look I really dont mind getting killed or anything, but even kicking me every time I try to get in the game, that's just sad. PrOxAnto Edit* Im not saying the entire MM team is like this.