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About stg_dante

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  1. stg_dante

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Needs to be hardware bans. These things,not considered people to me, pay for their hacks, and will without a doubt just rebuy the game, prob. from some hacked site so bohemia won't get a cent. Also their needs to be a who killed who anouncement, and anounce everytime someone leaves the server. This will if not slow down 50% of hackers, and alt f4'ers will get them banned.
  2. stg_dante

    Helicopter respawn 7 days? Seriously?

    Yep me and my clan have been checking back everyday. Found it an hour ago, which was 7 days from are crash...pilot lost connection. p.s. no vehicle can hide unless its in a building.
  3. stg_dante

    Graphical Issues

    No you died because you zerged rushed an airfield. Confirmed artifacts coming from dead military zombies, some barbed wire fencing, and humvees. :P
  4. stg_dante

    when comes

    It's from the beta build, it can be from crashed humvees, barbed wire, and a rare case of military soldiers.
  5. Choppers are buggyu as fuck. :/ first one worked fine then did a flipped randomly while flying and blew up. Hackers spawned 2 on my server, and an suv, banned all of them we found the chopper sitting outside of elektro, are pilot who has never ever dc'ed before dc'ed half way through flying it.
  6. stg_dante

    Why the hell no one talks in game?

    ^ Forever alone? If you were playing with friends you would be using a voip system so i dub you stupid mcstupid douche. ;)
  7. Why are so many ppl doubting the spawn on skalisty island? Confirmed! Found a chopper their day 1. Fixed it up, and are "pilot" flew way over the trees, started to go towards the shore, and then divebombed some trees...Also their are alot of hackers running around now spawning vehicles, found 2 choppers full gas, and fully restored right outside of elektro. Easiest way to tell if it was hacked in is no one will be around, and their will be no gear in it. Their also very buggy :/ we currently have 0 choppers in possesion.... Both pilots that have never dc'ed before dced while flying, end of story. P.S. no vehicle can hide from you when you have a chopper! P.S.S. going from elcktro to nwaf and back takes 2 min. and hardly any gas. ;P
  8. Hopefully their will be quite a few choppers. I alrady know my server will control them its honestly not fair for other players. We have as50's though ;P If we don't own it you won't be able to fly it. Also for graphic artifacts some comps can't be fixed by changing graphics settings + anywhere with multiple humvees has a large posibility to show graphics artifacts. It's primarily coming from a select few humvees. I can confirm stray,berezino,balota,nwaf, and green hill.
  9. stg_dante

    How to downgrade from last beta-patch?

    Please tell us how you figured it out!!! To those showing the standard downgrade tutorials, they do not work for going to build 95054 for some reason. Ive downgraded before using that procedure, but for some reason going from 1.62 to 1.61 or 1.60 it seems to instal the beta build instantly, and will still say bad version + in game it will say the build u downgraded to i.e. 95054 and still have "bad version" on same build server. I even tried to roll back even farther than desired beta build then upgraded to it, nothing seems to work. :/
  10. stg_dante

    Why the hell no one talks in game?

    Op I know what you mean :/ it gets lonely sometimes. 2nd day of playing the game would eb better if we had a global chat. :/
  11. stg_dante

    My first murder and now I feel guilty

    You did the right thing. That bastard would have axed you a question. Idlk if mines justified though. I was one of the air bases, finally found my first weapon, an akm with 1 mag, I got ontop of the aircontrol tower to scout out the area, and i start hearing some one say, "friendly, im friendly!" prone crawling from the bunker beside the tower. he was trying to los me so I just killed him. :P