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About Tales23

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    On the Coast
  1. NO I want to like it but I'm pretty much quitting DayZ right now cause I just can't deal with the change. I played all day trying to enjoy myself but ended up dying within 10 minutes everytime I grabbed a weapon. I mean if I died before I could revive and have a somewhat enjoyable time. Since it's not the end of the world, but dying now is just that much more stressful since your fucked, literally cause I get shot all the time just walking. Why? I don't know they can loot me and see that ALL I have is tin cans. TIL; Tin cans are now the greatest tool in the game.
  2. I LOVE the amount of zombies, it's awesome. Cities should be dangerous, and require groups to do anything in. It's not impossible to sneak into cities and it totally fucks over the bandits who have been running around town killing people. All in all I love the amount of zombies and hope it stays like this.
  3. Tales23

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    I think panic happens a bit randomly, I love the amount of zombies but the panic effects I'm unsure about.