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Everything posted by gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

  1. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Who is loving the new update for Namalsk?

    SWEET! Don't have much time these & was wondering what game i was gna play for the xmas week. DayZ Namalsk it is then!
  2. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    I returned from a 3 month break.

    I stopped playing as it just got boring, knew the original map inside out and had a very good collection of god items in my camp. I decided to give the Namalsk map ago & oh my it's off the freakin chain. Smaller map, easier to get high tier weapons i.e. anything better than a akm. Many more features and guns and vehicles. In one hour i ran into 7 people in the wilderness compared to originally i would usually see no-one. went through AKM>M16a2>M14. Killed one player, evaded the rest, then when i got to this bunker(object all) where you can get a guass gun, i threw 2 grenades in (delayed the second throw to see if someone was gna camp the ladder) and climbed down the ladder then got killed by someone who somehow dodged both grenades. This was a welcome change and i recommend anyone else who is thinking of retiring from dayz to have a look at this mod because it's so awesome!
  3. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Character reset.

    Same happened to me.
  4. On the Y cord [0-0.9] can't be see by hackers.... how do i know this.... they use the same map as dayzdb map which doesn't show that part of map. I flew my helicopter across that entire region of map & saw zero tents? Is this just on this particular server or do tents despawn in this region? Thanks in Advance.
  5. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Why don't people put tents on top of map?

    that is all valid but if you have any vehicle, it's all fine & i've found tents right next to the borderline which has got me wondering why they don't move it another 200m & it'll be undectable..
  6. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Players in 24h Count

    Do this include players who connect to private hive or only the ones connecting to the public hive? Anyone know? Just Curious.
  7. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Players in 24h Count

    I hope either PB is implented to be the anti cheat system (best one in my opinion over years of experience) or battleeye rewrites it as been mentioned a miliion times battleeye trusts the user too much.
  8. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    How to instantly make dayz more fun

    well rocket is all aware of these items on this list, exspecially how not scary zombies are.... standalone is changing that. Easy & painfree way to have fun. leave gear in tent & but keep hold of a effective close range weapon and go meet people, usually by sneeking up onto them and saying friendly? through comms :D Seeing how players react is very interesting i must say. Some invite you back to their camp while others just plain out try to kill you; this is where your weapon comes in handy :)
  9. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Are dogs worth 2 months of development time?

    He left the game broken, Full of duping & all sorts. I'd rather have an functioning game than dogs however he needs to think of way to get players back. Dogs may work, mind you the playerbase was at 200k when he decided to do it.... Lets just say quite a few DayZ players were left sore after that decision.
  10. I currently presume the hives state when the standalone will be out will be flooded with mass duping & hacked weapons so probably not.
  11. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Just found a Heli & Ural

    ok usually i wouldn't take them because it must have been hard work getting the chopper but their camp has at least 3 hacked weapons incl. the as50 tws and a few other hacked in sniper rifles. What should i do... A) Leave.. B.) Take chopper, blow up ural & empty tents & save then blow them up C) Take chopper & mark on map of ural & camp. D) Take chopper & mark on map of ural but blow up camp to prevent the hacked weapons getting out. What is the current stance on hacked weapons? From the forums, people seem to be swaying towards "it's alright to use them"? (I will never use them)
  12. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Trading Vehicles for Radio (EU server)

    I'll be taking the Gaz however there is 2 cars in the distance, Giving Coords for radio. http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/9403/arma2oa2012091222370486.png
  13. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Just found a Heli & Ural

    Hmmm.... Someone found my heli & flew it off to the debug planes :/ I had to walk quite a far bit out to get it back :@ (We were already on the edge of map so i just followed the direction he flew in.) Don't Vehicles despawn on the debugging planes!? Damn idiot.
  14. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Is there a way to permanently destroy tents?

    no It's impossible. Flattening tents have 0 affect after restart.
  15. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Trading Vehicles for Radio (EU server)

    they susposley pick up random messages or something, I can't wait to test it out :)
  16. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Just found a Heli & Ural

    Well they were holding hacked in weapons so anything goes tbh.
  17. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Trading Vehicles for Radio (EU server)

    Found a Radio whilst raiding camps with a heli... How Ironic Kryvian :)
  18. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Just found a Heli & Ural

    Good Call http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/5021/arma2oa2012091317510249.png http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/1417/arma2oa2012091317562631.png :D
  19. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    So we can't ban Hoarders?

    Is this correct? I found this on my server today... makes me sick :emptycan: . http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/9403/arma2oa2012091222370486.png Note: 1 car is in the distance of image and another car behind the trees.
  20. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Worst addition to the game

    Tents are the worst thing in the game.... Vehicles having inventory is second.... i wonder why... :(
  21. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk


    & if you're serious of been a medic, i know a few coords of motorcycles if you want? (UK server)
  22. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk


    Tell me some coords & there will be a tent with some in on a server I'll pm you.
  23. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    So we can't ban Hoarders?

    You know it was a question not a statement! I didn't ban them.... Still think they're douchebags though, Hoaring newly spawned vehicles is cheap and a insult to the server owners.
  24. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    M1911 or G17?

    Depends if you have a glitched game where m1911 is 1 shot kill :/ I've installed multiple times.... same affeect If you raid military buildings often, the G17 is the way to go.
  25. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Trading Vehicles for Radio (EU server)

    I posted this image before :/ I was complaining about this hoarder & i've just decided what to do with this Hoard spot. If necessary, I'll post some chat in a SS