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Everything posted by gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

  1. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking for SVD CAMO,AS50,M4 HOLO,Ghillie suit

    I can trade everything for any sachel charges? Except m4 holo
  2. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking for SVD CAMO,AS50,M4 HOLO,Ghillie suit

    I can trade everything for any sachel charges?
  3. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking for SVD..

    Sachel charges?
  4. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    [TRADE] Trading Lots of items for Sachel charges

  5. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk buggy?

    as rocket said :P in release notes... "deal with it" That pretty much sums it up. it's a rushed hotfix to try combat the large quantity of dupping going on.... Just have to remind you all we're still in ALPHA phase.
  6. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Willing to Trade A SVD Camo with 10 mags for a DMR and mags

    I'm interested. Got dmr with 8 mags. Trade on monday?
  7. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    [TRADE] Trading Lots of items for Sachel charges

    Anymore sachel charges offers? Maan I really need a stockpile of explosives :D
  8. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    [TRADE] Trading Lots of items for Sachel charges

    Both agreed.
  9. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    have you seen the thread... it's a mess.
  10. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking for UK/GMT players

    "We are PVP orientated" where do these pvp events take place? cherno & elektro or the north?
  11. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Trading outpost

    Sign me up for security. Do you need anymore materials?
  12. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    Someone really needs to lock this thread. Under grounds for trolling or something!?
  13. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Are tents savable now on 2.6???

    Any update on this?
  14. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Trade High Tier Equiptment

    Got Mountain Dew for Ghille?
  15. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    i can still get 50 cans of mountain dew in 5 minutes... The tent method really wasn't even a good duping method, you'd had to wait for a server restart to dup whilst the one i'm on about, is instant. Anyway least tents are fixed, Time to build my master camp :D
  16. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Which Dupping has been fixed?

    So far i can confirm the 'Drop Gear' Duplication method hasn't been fixed. Infinite Tents still :/
  17. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    LU434 - banned for having AS50 TWS

    Why does rocket have such a tight grip on server admins, it's ridiculous. They paid for the ludicrously high 40 slot server but yet they can't kick/ban for anything. Why are we even server admins???? I have serious issues with rockets so called rules. With the dupping bugs hes created, there's atleast 50 as50 tws's on every server... We should have the right to ban these players who see fit to have an unfair advantage on everyone else.
  18. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Dupping is still there in so no point now.... It may fill the NW airfield up for a week maybe?
  19. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Which Dupping has been fixed?

    if rocket can't fix the most used dupping method.... I'm sad to say but this mod is doomed, Standalone is needed more than ever!
  20. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Which Dupping has been fixed?

    The only Dupping which has been fixed as far as i know is the tent one which i guess it lets legit players get on with their business.
  21. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    I have m4sd for trade

    go loot a dead body in electro/cherno on a busy server, theres 50% it'll be there...
  22. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    If tents are fixed, my new mission is blowing up all the exploited tents :D
  23. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Where are all the vehicles :S

    Initially i thought clans took all the vehicles to the north edges of the map however i went raiding with a bicycle i found near some flats & found atleast 6 tents but no vehicles... If they aren't storred up north, where are they?
  24. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    Under 100K active players

    I feel a combination of: *Time of Year *The ease of Duping *Graphical Glitches *Camps & vehicles getting wiped over server restarts Killed the super keen players off. I want to Build a big camp again where the tents actuallyhold our current gear :/ not rows of tents being used to farm weapons I want to scavange restlessly to find parts for my vehicle which i know won't dissapear after a restart. Thirdly I WANT TO GO HELI HUNTING OR RAID THE NW AIRFIELD. However i have stacks of as50 & l85's & nvg & rangefinders...... why bother go raiding at all. In the end turned into arma 2 at electro & cherno.... and we all know how big arma 2 community was when dayz launched.....
  25. gardiner83@hotmail.co.uk

    How get admin / own server in game?

    Google bought me here :(