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About Xakku

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    On the Coast

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  1. Trust me bro, I do understand what I wrote. Which is why I'm pretty sure that he just kicked everyone. The reason I'm here is to figure out the details. Responses I got? It was one response lol I hope you're not really in the 82nd Airborne, but if you are then that explains a lot. =)
  2. Can you not read or comprehend what I wrote? I don't mean to be hostile, but I am very upset about this event. I'll give you a recap though. He announced for a server restart in 3 minutes. After 45 seconds he either shut down the server or kicked everyone and put a lock on it. The server was still up and running with a lock and there was one person online. IDK if you got that part, but that is not a server reset! Now keep in mind the 45 seconds was not early or random - it hit precisely as we were approaching the crash site!
  3. Hey, On July 14th at approx. 3am two friends and I were making our way towards a helicopter crash site. There were only 4-5 of us on ther server one of which was the servers admin. He was near us and also taunting us with music and engaging us in combat. I don't think there was any possible way that he could defeat us in a 1v3. He sortly posted that there will be a server reset in 3 minutes when we were about 45 seconds out from the helo. He immediately shut the server down when we were about 50 feet away from the helo. Keep in mind this was only 45 seconds after he announced there would be a reset in 3 minutes. He then locked the server and put a password on it. Below I will post a screenshot of the server having 1 member on it with a password lock. That member would be him online looting the helocopter. Also, I want to add that I have never seen this server have a lock on it and is usually caters to 40 public members. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you.