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Everything posted by Greg-UK4

  1. Greg-UK4

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Except the Makarov isn't silenced. I thought the suppressor was responsible for the noise reduction' date=' not the bullets. [/quote'] Guns with supressors usually roll with sd / subsonic ammo, makes silencers live longer and reduces the signature.
  2. Greg-UK4

    ADMIN abuse DE #30 ... again...

    To be fair, you only see this guy joining then getting kicked. It could be that not 10m ago, he logged in and started swearing, spamming von on connect etc. You've only heard one side of the story :) Lets hope the admin can shed some light on it before you all die from cooking up conspiracy theories :D
  3. Greg-UK4

    Teleported and shot?

    Massive desync. Unlucky buddy.
  4. Greg-UK4

    Banned, but why?

    You were caught hacking. Take your complaints to battleye, google for their support page. You will only get ridiculed and laughed at here.
  5. Greg-UK4

    Server - No Support or Answers

    Marshall, are you running the latest of hive? Hive EXT? Older versions of hive were denied accessing the database because they can cause corruption. PM me, and I'll send you the details for the Dayz Admins IRC channel, which has access to a lot of resources and skilled server hosters who should have the time to assist you. I may even be able to help, I've been running UK4 for a long time now.
  6. Greg-UK4

    Periodic Messages

    BEC Rcon tool ibattle.org Check out scheduler feature.
  7. Greg-UK4

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    PK, this only requires an update to their database, Vipeax has been informed so i'm certain it will reach the top. The problem is that it may take a long time to filter through the millions of entries :) The issue is that the playerid is stored as an integer in the database (whole number) and the new playerid's have had the letters: wx appended to them. So you can't store a "string" in a database field marked for integers only. They need to update the playerID field to varchar(25) at the least to get it working, but again this may screw up indexing. Making a small change in a big database requires even bigger planning. Just be patient and have faith that rocket and co will fix this :)
  8. Greg-UK4

    Rcon GUI 'Could not connect'

    Yes, you are missing something. Dayz_Server_Directory\cfgdayz\BattlEye\BEServer.cfg Check that file. you should have: Sometimes after a server crash, the file renames itself to something like: BEServer_active_f0.cfg and may need to be renamed back. edit- I didn't read the fact that bercon connects fine, sorry! :) Ensure that rcon gui is allowed through the firewall, and that IP:PORT and password is correct. the GUI tool is a pile of crusty wank most of the time, so I would rather rely solely on BEC and BERCON.
  9. Maybe they updated the beta client requirement - hence the red X. Try updating to the latest beta and rejoining.
  10. Greg-UK4

    any way to ban a player from your server?

    you need his GUID. Place his GUID in battleye/bans.txt Alternatively, connect to your server with an RCON client, and ban him from there.
  11. Greg-UK4

    Eu10 Teleported(Admin or Hacker)

    Admins - CAN. NOT. DO. THIS. You don't "Know" there was no "Bug or lagg" because obviously there was. Your items are stored in the central database, WE HAVE NO ACCESS TO THAT.
  12. Yes it's virtually impossible with the way arma works. It's an alpha, there are bugs. Sometimes we server admins cannot announce a restart due to a crash that limits the incoming connections - we can't connect: we can't tell you it's restarting. Why create a forum post for a minor inconvenience :P Man up, and jog back to your car. If you're lucky some of your loot would have magically multiplied.
  13. Greg-UK4

    UK5 - Butthurt Admins?

    With the latest version of BEC it will allow for some announcements. Seriously us Server hosts cannot win. We don't restart the server: We are called negligent, call for blacklist. We manually restart the server: We are called obstructive, call for blacklist. We make sure the server restarts automatically in event of a crash, or timed: We are accused of being butthurt when someone(read: Anyone) dies, accused of mystical roll backs, call for blacklist. Seriously players: We're hosting for your enjoyment, we're certainly not getting any love back.
  14. Status: Online! Teamspeak server provided by RaZz! Rules: #1 Don't be a nob. -that's all. I'm the sole admin, and am very active on the server as other players may attest to, email notifications are sent out when issues arise, and the last downtime was less than two minutes. We seem to have built up a nice community, and I would like to congratulate James! on finding the first Huey, it's just a shame it was stolen before you finished repairing it old chap. I look forward to seeing you online. A special shout out to: Ducky! Ralph and Gh0st We just had one of the most exciting DayZ since I started playing. Truly epic Gentlemen of the Highest esteem! Greg UK4 Admin --If the server spazzes out, send me a PM.
  15. Greg-UK4

    [UK4] - Currently ONLINE

    I'll be taking the server offline thursday or friday for some regular maintenance, patching up windows and correcting some issues i've noticed with the SSD. I'll also take this opportunity to re-arrange the cabling in the rack, so When i get the time another server will be going in :)
  16. Greg-UK4

    Cheater named Wars2

    The lads not hacking. Probably pissed that after logging in he was killed. He was pretty well equipped, so i'd be pissed if I died. He hangs mostly around the N/E N/W making runs between the airfields (every contact I've had with him has been there). My guess is he's skilled.
  17. Greg-UK4

    "White spots" highlighting zombies/players

    This is the peripheral vision simulation of arma. In real life you would be able to sense things in your periphery, hear things, and in other ways sense them.
  18. Greg-UK4

    Website back online

    Users Browsing This Forum placement has been reset to the top of the page. Previously was down below :) any chance it can get pushed back down there again?
  19. Greg-UK4

    Zombies hitting for 26k damage per hit

    Or there could have been a desync, and it actually hit you multiple times, which when the desync cleared equated to 26k damage :) You did log in directly after a restart, so many others doing the same thing can cause a massive dip in server responsiveness. As well as the zed teleing directly behind you, defo sounds like a desync to me :)
  20. Greg-UK4

    Admin Observe Mode?

    It's already there. Good luck getting assigned to the server host forum, i've been trying for coming up to 8 weeks now. Tonic/Legacy have yet to reply to the PM's i've sent based on Adams/Anders advice :D No worries to that though, the server admins tend to keep each other informed in the IRC chat.
  21. Greg-UK4

    Admin Observe Mode?

    There's not much. You have to rely on the flakey battleye server and it's scripts log to identify hackers. But that only really catches people who are using "known" scripts. It's purely reactionary and requires a lot of your own time to paw through the logs. For example: one day of running produces 150mb of logs. Scanning through these takes a bit of practice, and a bit of experience to know what is a "hack" and what is legit. I'm pretty certain that a large percentage of these script based hacks are being missed by admins purely due to the size of the log files presented to them, and the fact that most admins are probably 15-18 year old clan kids with a fair bob of cash to host a server. And virtually nil hosting experience behind it.
  22. Greg-UK4

    US85 HACKER mass death

    Dayz won't restore your gear. why do people even bother asking? i don't know. Anyway, stop reporting your steam ID. it has nothing to do with the game. Instead, try to locate the admin of the server, report to him what time it happened and request he looks through the scripts log for any strange appearances.
  23. Greg-UK4

    Cheater named Wars2

    He plays on UK4 quite regularly, and has several times found my hidden cache and killed me. I don't think he's a "hacker" though, I've been diligent with my logs and not seen anything untoward for him. Used to have the tags [VK] a while ago.
  24. Greg-UK4

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Sound travels 3x faster in water. When it's foggy in london I can hear the church bells almost 1m away. When it's clear, not so much. Fog increases audibility, try it out yourself next time it's foggy :)
  25. Greg-UK4

    Admin kicks for playing alone

    Admins cannot kill players using admin tools. You were shot. Do you have screenshots of you getting kicked from the game?