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Everything posted by Dedusly

  1. Dedusly

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    Why is everyone fighting? Half of you are doing the right thing and talking about the post, but the other half are just fighting about nonsensical bullshit. Who cares if Siggy used the word homo in this post? Get used to it, you're on the internet for god's sake. Who cares if adharma and shinfo are the same person? Their server kicked us for the fact that we killed them, that's all that matters. Who cares if we don't have screen shots? Like Siggy said, he doesn't take a screenshot every 10 seconds. Plus, I use sixlauncher and can't take screenshots in full screen mode, only windowed. Now, all we wanted was an apology from the server admin. Whether it be from adharma or that shinfo guy, either way, we got it. Ignore all the trolls, you don't have to be reading and posting if they annoy you. Ignore all the idiots, they are idiots. And for the love of god, CALM DOWN!
  2. Dedusly

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    I realize that the insult homo may be offensive to some people, but it doesn't mean you have to take it literally. People these days use the word homo as an insult, which Siggy was doing. He didn't actually mean homosexual. I'm not trying to piss anyone off, but you should get used to people using the word homo on the internet, it gets thrown around a lot.
  3. Dedusly

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    Hello everybody! I'm one of the guys you kicked last night from your server, adharma. *Siggy_NRL's mate* You're great at diverting attention away from the fact that you kick people from your server, when you die or something doesn't go your way. I really don't understand what your problem is, adharma. I mean, posting immature pictures in response to any rational response someone has... Don't worry though, if Siggy didn't give enough evidence to the events that went down on your server, I think I might add in. :) Last night, around 10:00 p.m, Siggy, our other mate and myself were on Skalisty Island. We found a helicopter there, in need of repairs, so we partially repaired it. Now, if you didn't know, a helicopter that isn't fully repaired, will leak fuel, which it did. This is why we landed on the field, next to the factory, near Polana. To repair it and refuel it. While we were doing so, a bus started to drive along the road, heading from Polana to Orlovets . At the time, I was in the medium value industrial building, closest to the lake, near the factory. As they drove past, Siggy shot the person driving the bus, because I wasn't fast enough to get there in time. He also killed another person who exited the bus and tried to hide behind it. As I was running back towards our helicopter, we all get kicked. Immediately after I got kicked I checked the time, which was close to 11:30 p.m. Now, adharma... Does this sound like something someone would make up? I don't think it does. So now that I have told my side of the story, maybe you won't try to come up with bullshit excuses like: "The OP is lying! WAAAH! :'(" Hopefully you shut up and stop posting annoying-ass-pictures. Everybody knows you abuse your powers. Everyone knows to avoid your server. (which is probably what you want) So please stop trying to cover up the fact that you suck. :)
  4. Dedusly

    US 1547 Admin kicking and Banning

    I'm the "mate" that got banned from the server. :( I got the same message as Siggy_NRL and rejoined thinking he wouldn't do it. It's stupid though, because the second time after I got kicked, when I was re-entering the server, I checked my ping and it was only 191. Now last time I checked, 191 and 200 weren't the same number. :/
  5. Hello random people! Sorry if this is in the wrong section, i'm new. Anyway, i'm an Australian and am looking for an Australian DayZ clan to join (obviously). If there are any clans out there with friendly members, recruiting I would really appreciate it if you let me join. I play daily and am looking for a clan with members that play daily too. Thanks.