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Everything posted by Poepol!

  1. A helpful tip for anyone stuck in debug. Just run South East and you'll get out. I ran for about 5 minutes and got out, depending on where you spawn it could be 2 - VERY LONG :).
  2. Where was I crying? You must be stupid. Here I am, sitting with a cool character and I'm given the opportunity to save him and you're telling me to not take it. Seriously can you think? Like I said, they have the full right to tell us no, live with alpha. To say "nerve" for asking makes us look like we are demanding them. There is NOTHING wrong with asking if you don't know something. If they say no, then you just respawn your character, but why would you want to waste days of work if there's a chance you could save it? Honestly, not asking for a move would be stupid and silly. No one here was crying or complaining. They were merely asking if there character could be moved and hey, lucky them. Personally I think you had a character you worked hard for and now you're just jealous they had there's saved. We all know it's alpha, so get off that little row boat of yours. You think it's "nerve' when the OP was probably just thinking "Hey maybe this will work". Get over yourself dude, we aren't kids crying over some character.
  3. Of course we can ask? It is THERE work that caused it so why can't we ask? They have the full right to just ignore this thread, or even tell us "not doing it, enjoy alpha". There is literally NO good reason that we can't ask, unless there is something in the ROE or front page of this website that I'm missing. Honestly dude, what makes you think we aren't allowed to ask something?
  4. Hi, I don't know what my player ID is (Don't know where to get it). Though my name should be uniqe : Poepol I'm also stuck in debug plains (as far as I can tell, there is nothing around me so I assume I'm there).