We just came up with the following: "I have been struggling to find place in my backpack for my primary weapon when I want to chop down zombies with the axe instead, and I am pretty sure that I am not the only one with the problem that they have the backpack already full of useful stuff, so I (Johanneslinnsen) and memonkee discussed an idea on how to improve that system. You should simply be able to push a button to change from weapons scrolldown menu to your toolbelt menu so that you can access your hatchet and flashlight etc without having to replace your secondary/primary weapon with them. For example, you are in elektro looting trying no to get killed, your backpack is basically full and you want to use your axe not to give yourself away, you press T and change scroll menu, then choose the hatchet and you'll just holster your weapons and pull the hatchet from your toolbelt, press T again to get back to firearms menu. Alternatively that you would have one more weapon slot where you can have your hatchet or flashlight equipped. Primary Weapon Secondary Tool I do not know which of them requires more work, but since the mod is so fantastic in alpha stage I do not doubt the coding abilities of you developers, if anyone else thinks this is a good idea, please do keep this thread alive and bumped for the dev's to see. Input on how to make this idea even better (in terms of less work for the developers or such) is very welcome to be written here and i'll try to keep this thread updated with ideas for this function. Hope this gets implemented somewhere along the way, maybe even in the complete version of dayZ, since I think this function could impact gameplay in a rather positive way. If I have not been clear enough as to what I want with this thread, say so and I will try to explain it further. Memonkee posted this thread for me due to that I cannot post yet btw. Thanks for reading Johanneslinnsen." I came up with the addition to kinda copy the system that is implemented by ACE (if i am not totally wrong): You have one primary slot ("in hands"), "back" for backpacks, "shoulder" for storing rifles, "holster" for secondary weapons and the usual item/ammo slots. That would be less of a hack to the system i guess. Easy to change rifle to shoulder and put hatchet in hands when you want to start some chopping.