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Everything posted by StrontyDog

  1. StrontyDog

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Number 2, just the Dayz logo.
  2. StrontyDog

    Cannot right-click items

    Try updating manually. You should delete all the files in the \Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ\Addons' date=' download the new .rar files here and unpack them using winrar. Here's a youtube guide.
  3. StrontyDog

    Cannot right-click items

    You need to download and unpack the dayz_equip_v1.2.4.rar file to your dayz\addons folder again. http://mirror.tritnaha.com/
  4. Sounds like one of your Dayz files is corrupt or wrong or something if it's happening on every server. I'd try reinstall like BakingPanda says.
  5. StrontyDog

    More Broken, Repariable Vehicles

    I agree, I haven't even come across a repairable vehicle yet. I did find the boat in the sea but was told not to bother find fuel for it as it uses it up so quickly it's not worth the time and effort.
  6. StrontyDog

    Receiving Data

    Was it working before the latest patch? I'd suggest deleting all the files in the Dayz/addons folder and downloading everything again if you haven't tried that yet.
  7. Date/Time: 22/05/12 1pm GMT What happened: I was killed by zombies, when at the "You are Dead" screen I didn't click respawn. Just clicked abort, disconnect and ok to load in again and I returned to a previous saved character. I was then able to find my other dead self and could have looted equipment duplicates. So theoretically this exploit could be used to duplicate nice weapons and items. This exploit/bug was duplicated by a friend of mine on the same server later in the day when I asked him to test it and the same thing happened. He was killed by a player and when he loaded back in, returned to a previous save around 1 minute before hand. Where you were: Nadezhdino What you were doing: Dying horribly *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: DE 5
  8. StrontyDog

    Server Blacklisted: UK11

    Playing for the hour when it is just getting dark or when the moon has come out is actually a lot of fun. You can see enough to move around and you can vaguely make out zombies. Playing in the pitch dark before the moon comes out is not fun at all for me. Also it gets dark way too early, if I'm playing on a UK server it should be bright up until 10pm in Summer months not 6pm. I'd also suggest locking the gamma if that's possible so you can't make it ridiculously bright to get an advantage when it's night time.
  9. So we all know that when you get bitten by a zombie you are screwed and you will eventually turn into one. It would be cool to implement this system in the game. If you are bitten, you are infected. So this is not necessarily all zombie attacks as they also claw at you etc, so there's a percentage chance of being infected with each time you are wounded by a zombie. You could make it fairly small so it doesn't happen all the time. If infected, you would very slowly morph into the zombie skin that you can choose in the player profiles and your character starts behaving odd. Randomly firing your weapon, randomly sprinting and eventually turning on your fellow survivors and turning into a full blown zombie. You need to find and use a needle with the cure in a hospital to return to normal before it's too late. It might be an interesting dynamic with groups as they would be watching for signs you are infected in case you make noise when there is a horde of zombies nearby or turn on them and bite them. You could have a 100% chance of infection for bites from zombie players maybe to increase the tension.
  10. StrontyDog

    Happy Birthday Rocket

    Happy Birthday man ^^