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Everything posted by Hoetzie

  1. Hoetzie

    Traders and Traitors

    +1 Inception. Did a quick and succesfull trade.
  2. As the title says I am looking for a M14 aim + DMR mags. Trading my current kit for it which is: AS50 + 4 Nato rounds (5 bullets each) L85 + 3 mags A pair of NVG's M9SD - No mags GPS ----------------------------- Ill add a coyote backpack if you can provide me with atleast a patrolpack Rangefinders if you can replace them with binocs If you bring civilian clothing i will provide you with a ghillie suit Im on the traders and traitors list as +reputation. This is not a joke, im just tired of this kit. Im looking for a quick trade around the area of Balota(Airfield). PM me if interested. (Skype needed)
  3. Hoetzie

    (Awesome Trade) Giving away my kit for M14 aim +mags

    Sorry guys. Someone already took the offer.
  4. LF M24 sniper rifle and a M16 acog. Can trade FN FAL with 2 mags, NVG's, Rangefinder, Ghillie. Got + reputation in the traders and traitors forum post. PM me if interested.
  5. Hoetzie

    Traders and Traitors

    Quick and safe trade with Narsil. +1
  6. Hoetzie

    Traders and Traitors

    +1 Jackie Chan Traded 3 satchel charges for a M4A1 CCO SD with 8 mags succesfull.
  7. LF svd camo and M4A1 Holo (can trade: Rangefinders/GPS/NVGs/Ghillie suit/AS50 and more) We will hook up on skype and trade in a secure location with only the weapons to trade equipped. I got + Reputation in the traders and traitors forum post. I will provide overwatch during the trade.
  8. Ok can do that trade. Altho i am bringing overwatch. not that i dont trust you but as normal procedure. im doing 2 other trades first but ill let you know in a bit when i can trade. Will be up north.
  9. i will do 3 satchel charges for it. Do you have any ammo for it tho ?
  10. Only interested in a m4a1 holo or a svd camo mate :/
  11. i can trade 6 satchel charges for a M4A1 Holo. Can do a quick trade. Got + reputation at the traders and traitors forum post
  12. Hoetzie

    Trading M4A1 Holo and other guns

    Willing to trade you either a AS50/DMR with mags or NVG/GPS/RANGEFINDER for the M4A1 holo. pm me if interested and a fast trade
  13. Im willing to trade both NVG's and a GPS or 1 L85 for the M16 acog. PM me if interested.
  14. I got a MK48 mod with ammo i am willing to trade for the SVD camo. Got + Reputation in the traders and traitors forum post. I dont trade through freeside tho. Can trade on a secure location with both team providing overwatch if necessary.
  15. As the title says im looking for a working UAZ on any European (Veteran .6) server. I can trade almost most ingame items for it. If a clan can provide one under strict rules that is fine. The vehicle will be used for trading/transport purposes and not for scouting camps. If anyone got a UAZ and willing to trade PM me.
  16. i shoot a guy, he Alt-F4 before i get the kill but i did shoot a fatal hit. He logs back in and dies anyway ?
  17. Hoetzie

    Looking for M24

    I got a SVD without ammo i can trade. Would like the M4 holo in return tho. PM me if interested.
  18. Hoetzie

    [TRADE] LF Rangefinder, SVD Camo, L85A2 AWS

    Hey, I currently own a SVD Camo without ammo i could trade. I can trade it for the m4 holo.
  19. Currently looking for a DMR + mags / M4a1 CCO SD + Mags. Ready for a quick trade in the southern part of the Map. PM me if interested.
  20. I will let you know if the reserved SVD wont be traded today then ill keep it for you.
  21. Sorry i dont have any ammo for the SVD anymore as i traded one yesterday. I only have a SVD without ammo but that is reserved for now.
  22. Ill trade the SVD for the M4A1 CCO. Not sure if i can come online today but ill let you know. Im playing on GMT+1.
  23. I got 1x SVD Camo without ammo left!! Still looking for a M4 SD. Also accepting other M4's for it as it doesnt have ammo!
  24. I appreciate the offer (That has now expired). I'm sure you ment well however seeing the current circumstances and recent experiences I do not trust these 'free' offers.